Platform Builder Forums
Main => General Discussion => Topic started by: Antikore on December 09, 2020, 11:31:43 AM
It may be useful to have these optional keywords:
- Pbx: PB project file
- UPE: Ultimate Platformer Engine
- cp: Command Prompt
- gs: Game Setup
- cmd: command
- IE Enemy: Ignore Environment Enemy
- EO: Empty Object
- Object: Any custom instanceable thing in PB. Custom enemies, characters, items, projectiles and blocks.
- TT: TingThing
- CGM: Christian Game Maker
- AE: Aeterna
- Tbb: TheBurningBreath666 (AE's non-business name)
- Giz: Gizgord
- Anti: Antikore
- Alju: Alley
- Set/Setap: Setapdede
- PB: Platform Builder
- MB: Mario Builder
- IGP: Invasion Going Personal
- ASM: The Adventures of Super Mike
- CC: Castle Chamber
- Ghawst: Ghawst's Corridor
- SA: Super Adventure
- SAR: Super Adventure: Reloaded
I think we should do a bit of sharing about what could be good and what could be bad for a slang like this[/list]
CGM: @Christian Game Maker (CGM)
AE: Aeterna
Tbb: TheBurningBreath666 (AE's non-business name)
Giz: Gizgord
MB: Mario Builder
CGM: @Christian Game Maker (CGM)
AE: Aeterna
Tbb: TheBurningBreath666 (AE's non-business name)
Giz: Gizgord
MB: Mario Builder
True. Adding them
I can't think of anything to add. Lets see this list grow!
IGP: Invasion Going Personal
ASM: The Adventures of Super Mike
CC: Castle Chamber
Ghawst: Ghawst's Corridor
EO: Empty Object
Alju: Alley
@Antikore You should categorize these terms.
Done! @warrior @Christian Game Maker (CGM)
@Antikore Correction! It's Alju5. Not Alju.
@Antikore Correction! It's Alju5. Not Alju.
The idea for a slang is shorten words and/or name specific terms (Like empty object)
Here some more:
Set/Setap: Setap Dede
SA: Super Adventure
SA:R/SAR: Super Adventure Reloaded
Here some more:
Set/Setap: Setap Dede
SA: Super Adventure
SA:R/SAR: Super Adventure Reloaded
Pbx: PB project file
UPE: Ultimate Platformer Engine