Platform Builder Forums
Main => General Discussion => Topic started by: Borpy on January 13, 2021, 12:03:49 AM
Hello! I have been looking for a Platform Game Maker for the past hour, and this is the only program I found. I looked at the trailer and stuff, and it looks amazing. Way too good that i'm actually thinking to already upgrade to Pro although I don't even have the free version yet.
The question is, can I change the sprite/character/animation etc a player/enemy/other stuff has?
I know I should try finding out by myself, but I just don't really feel like it right now, i'm kinda lazy :P
yes, you can.
there's two ways to do so - you can paste your animation frames onto a pre-made sprite sheet, or upload every animation individually as a 'Sprite'. I recommend the latter, but you could try both and see for yourself what matches you. note that all images have to be saved in the '.png' format
Hello! I have been looking for a Platform Game Maker for the past hour, and this is the only program I found. I looked at the trailer and stuff, and it looks amazing. Way too good that i'm actually thinking to already upgrade to Pro although I don't even have the free version yet.
The question is, can I change the sprite/character/animation etc a player/enemy/other stuff has?
I know I should try finding out by myself, but I just don't really feel like it right now, i'm kinda lazy :P
Hey! You're lucky to have chosen PB as your very first choice. I've tried many 2d Platform game makers, but Platform Builder stands out among them all. I suggest you check out the official PB video tutorials to get a taste of what Platform Builder (PB) is like.
Basically what Giz and CGM says
PB is very flexible and you won't find any troubles in making anything you want ;)
yes, you can.
there's two ways to do so - you can paste your animation frames onto a pre-made sprite sheet, or upload every animation individually as a 'Sprite'. I recommend the latter, but you could try both and see for yourself what matches you. note that all images have to be saved in the '.png' format
Thank you for letting me know!
Hi, Borpy! I agree with the others. :) Actually, I and several of other our people have made even more than advertised to be possible also before unlimited sprite and command manager. Platform Builder is just flexible enough to allow you make everything you imagine.
You just have to be ambitious and inventive. Even errors and glitches can't stop you if you want something because PB is auprisingly stable to use and have a lot of other ways also to try.
If you have no other programs nor ideas to get inspired from then I highly would suggest PB. You can be lazy at first but may enjoy later what you have done by yourself very much and that is what may kill your lazyness. ;)