Platform Builder Forums
Main => Platform Builder Update Log => Topic started by: TingThing on June 11, 2018, 08:25:53 PM
Version 4.1
Patch 2:
- The forum button in the Platform Builder main menu directs to a new forum website for Platform Builder.
- Control key for deleting only selected item works with the shift key to delete multiple items.
- Fixed: Error message when leaving an area with a pipe.
Patch 1:
- Added money options for custom items
- Added money bag sprite to custom item sprite list.
- You can down press down to let go of a wall slide.
- Fixed: Slopes stopped working with new physics.
- Platform Builder now has a website! Visit
- Added a new feature for Pro: Custom Physics. Lots of new gameplay experiences can be created.
- Auto-runner games are now available in Platform Builder Standard.
- Shift key can now be used with the move tool to grab multiple items at once.
- Publishing packages can be sent to TingThing if they fail to upload automatically.
- Fixed: Reach far side for course goal is triggered if 2-players are far apart.
- Fixed: Pipe opening sometimes glitches when next to a dead character.
- Fixed: Small tile set displayer does not go away when you use the copy tool to select a new item.
- Fixed: Fatal error when testing game with small tile set displayer is visible.
- Fixed: Window caption displays wrong information about Pro/Standard.
- Fixed: Flame cannon flame doens't always go away if you move it off screen.
- Fixed: Sprite sheet message sometimes triggers when it shouldn't in custom items of Game Setup.
- Fixed: Moving camera does not properly push character off of hanging bars.
- Fixed: NPC sometimes falls into the ground when camera goes too high.
- Fixed: Ther is a graphical glitch when picking up a large decoration item.
- Fixed: Error message appears when using more than one detonating projectiles on enemies.
- Updated installer image