Players VS Gruppy - Epic Water Battle
It's only a minigame where you need to kill the gruppy before he kills you with lethal-homing water explosive ballons ;D
You can complete this game from 30 seconds to 1 minute depending on your gaming skills
Coming soon at the explore section
Looks like something special! Great job! This looks like a professional game!
Hey! Why not expand the mini game? Add several levels. It would still be a mini game. And with a theory I have, you could make the game better! And why not make the tiles sea type? A water balloon fight in grass is fine, but a beach theme would be better I think...
I like the concept you're going with but I agree that it should be expanded upon.
Maybe, but I was working on something bigger, anyway, maybe I work more in-depth in a future
Thought so. I have mini projects myself I am working on in the background. I'm going to release one soon.
Good to know it :D
You know, this game could be built on. You know, add more levels, create power-ups, and stuff like that. Why not do that Antikore?