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Messages - cbecvil

Pages: [1]
Works in Progress / Re: HANZO KID ADVENTURE
« on: June 16, 2022, 06:16:36 PM »
Hanzo Kid It already has a video on YOUTUBE, more than anything to advertise PLATFORM BUILDER.
Enjoy it!

Announcements / Re: Platform Builder 10 Release Date
« on: June 01, 2022, 02:32:31 PM »
Unfortunately platform builder 10 is broken. It does not work.

Works in Progress / Re: HANZO KID ADVENTURE
« on: March 25, 2022, 12:54:31 PM »
new stages and progress in HANZO KID ADVENTURE. Although some time has passed, I am still working on my game. I've tweaked a few things and advanced to the third province. I put some screenshots of the new phases. I need Thinthing to remove my game from the explore section in order to re-upload it with the new trailers (sorry but for unknown reasons it won't let me do that). I hope you can see my new progress. Thanks in advance THINTHING, and I'm already looking forward to seeing the improvements in the new version of PB. This program is great. All the best.

Works in Progress / Re: HANZO KID ADVENTURE
« on: July 04, 2021, 07:34:28 PM »
Thank you Tingthing for your comment too. and thanks for telling me that with F1 screenshots are made. I didn't know either. Bear with me because this is my first time making a game. Thanks again.

Works in Progress / Re: HANZO KID ADVENTURE
« on: July 04, 2021, 07:27:32 PM »
Thank you very much for your comments Gizgord. Indeed, the intention of the game is to be a bit treacherous, so sometimes you have to learn "where to fall" and some platforms are very tight. most of the time you die by not landing on a platform.
Both the characters and the backgrounds have been designed by me, and taking advantage of those of platform builder. I'm glad you like them.
It is true that in the weapon system, the best by far is the Kama, because it does more damage, and that is why I chose not to give the Boomerang-shaped projectile as much life because I think it would be too much advantage.
later I'll make using tetsubishi and metsubishi necessary to advance, but I don't think they serve as the main weapons of the game. Thanks for reminding me.
thank you also for telling me about the red transparent routes, I did not know! I'll change it and turn the music down a bit.
As for Daitengu, it has been a headache, it gave me many problems, it flew away, etc, but rather because of a platform builder problem, which has been solved with the new update. What it could do is activate the pause menu. Ehh ... how do I do it?
Again thank you very much for everything, this helps a lot to continue working on the game. I am already doing the next phase, near Kyoto, then the ninja province of Iga, and so I will continue the story of how Hanzo went to meet the one who would become his lord, Tokugawa Ieyasu. It's a lot of work, but I am eager and excited. thanks Gizgord.

Works in Progress / Re: HANZO KID ADVENTURE
« on: July 01, 2021, 09:43:00 PM »
Thank you. Here are some screenshots of the Game.

Works in Progress / HANZO KID ADVENTURE
« on: June 28, 2021, 10:18:31 AM »
Good Morning. I just published my great little project that I have been working on for so long. It is a very entertaining ninja game based on the true story of the ninja Hatori Hanzo. The introduction is finished, although I only have about two levels, two bosses and something else, but at least you can get an idea of ​​what I mean. It is quite ambitious to be my first project, so I do not want to rush too much, and of course, I apologize for the many errors that you may find. I hope you enjoy it. All the best.

Works in Progress / Re: Demon Hearts
« on: March 18, 2021, 08:19:30 PM »
I'm sorry, but I can't understand why a person doesn't want to talk about demons, blood💉, exorcisms, etc. in video games. this is the order of the day, and whether we like it or not (I'm a Christian too) it shouldn't affect video game creation. Castlevania is a classic and I don't think anyone complained. in short, each one with his conscience.

Works in Progress / Re: Demon Hearts
« on: March 18, 2021, 02:58:22 PM »
I know I'm new to this forum, but just because I'm new doesn't mean I'm young. I have lived the history of the video game from its first moment. this game, daemons hearth, to be made in platform builder, looks wonderful,  and the story it tells is the least of it. Too bad they don't put us a little video of the game. cheer up, mate.

Muchísimas gracias, en breve quiero presentar el juego que estoy haciendo en PB. Espero que ostenta guste. Un saludo y de nuevo gracias.

Gracias Antikore, yo también soy español y tiro de traductor porque mi inglés no es bueno. Es que me he dado cuenta de que en los overworld no se pueden exportar sheets como en los levels, y de ahí que no sé cómo hacer para cambiar los árboles y que desaparezcan cuando se pasa un nivel.

I need help. For change the trees  in overworld, I create a new tileset with trees, but this new trees aren't solid, and if I put a solid block above, at the moment of creating a hidden path over it, the explosion removes the solid block, but not the tree. how can I solve that?

Introductions / Hello, there is cbecvil
« on: December 22, 2020, 07:42:52 AM »
Hi, I am very happy to be part of this forum. I love PB because I can have a good time with my soon creating our own video game. I am very new in this and it,s dificult to me. Be patient with me. Thanks to all.

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