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Messages - Tarkus1971

Pages: [1]
Resources / Re: Music
« on: July 30, 2021, 05:23:23 PM »
Thank you for the kind comments. Always nice to hear that kind of response..... looking forward to the game your making too :)

so .ogg music files do not automatically loop after the tracks end. Hope this is fixed, that is pretty much what I need for my music files.

Working with Platform Builder / Re: Where are the block templates
« on: July 22, 2021, 03:25:51 PM »
Ok I am editing the player sprite sheet, and in the overworld player character, there is a grey shadow under the player, but that doesn't appear on this sprite sheet, and ideas where this is ???? thanks in advance.

Working with Platform Builder / Re: Where are the block templates
« on: July 21, 2021, 05:03:37 PM »
cool that got it thanks

Working with Platform Builder / Re: Where are the block templates
« on: July 21, 2021, 04:54:13 PM »

I found that all the enemy sprites are there etc, but not the platforms, the smart blocks template is what I am trying to find.

Working with Platform Builder / Where are the block templates
« on: July 21, 2021, 04:43:29 PM »
I can't find the default block templates for the platforms? Where are they stored so I can edit and create new ones. Thanks.

Resources / Re: Music
« on: July 21, 2021, 02:55:45 PM »
Glad to be here. Looks like a great place to be :)

Introductions / Tarkus1971 - Musician
« on: July 21, 2021, 02:35:06 PM »

I'm Tarkus1971, I am a part-time musician and I am looking forward to creating something exciting in Platform Builder.

My equipment for music includes:
Waldorf Blofeld Synth, Novation Ultranova Synth, Roland D05 Synth, Carlsbro OKTA Drums Pads ( All hardware )

Cherry Audio Synths:
Voltage Modular, CA2600, MG-1, DCO-106, Polymode, Eight Voice, PS-20, Memorymode, these are all virtual synths.

If anyone is interested or needs music check out the links below, you will need an account but it's free just like here. I can do commissions also.

Resources / Music
« on: July 21, 2021, 02:25:39 PM »

I am new here and have the PRO version, I will be soon creating a "dark" themed platformer, so this program is excellent, having read through the CMD commands it seems it will do everything I want. If anyone needs music for there own projects, feel free to take a look here.

These are for sale and can be used in ANY game engine.  You will need an account there but it's free like here.

I have some free music too, on the link below.

Again you will need to create a free account.


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