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Topics - TingThing

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Announcements / Trouble Posting?
« on: May 17, 2020, 05:14:11 AM »
Hi everyone,

I had some issues posting and logging out of these forums earlier on Google Chrome. It worked when I tried Firefox. But I ended up reinstalling Chrome and that did the trick for me.

Hopefully you are not getting this same problem. But if you are you can try those options. If you are still having problems, please email me at (replace "at" with @)


Announcements / Platform Builder 8 Beta
« on: May 17, 2020, 05:04:52 AM »
Hi everyone!

Platform Builder 8.0 Pro Beta has arrived, and you are all invited to try it out!

Don't own Pro? Now's your chance to try that out, too, completely free! Anyone is welcome to try PB 8.0 Pro Beta, as long as you have an account here with the forums.

If you create an account, make sure that you are on the secure https version of this website. If you are having any problems, please email me at (replace "at" with @)

I was thinking of doing sign ups and sending emails, but I made a last-minute decision to do things differently. I added a new board on the forums which allows you to view changes to PB 8.0 and download the Beta. This board is only visible to those who are signed into the forums. You can also post glitches/error on that board.

See you there!

General Discussion / A Couple Glitches
« on: April 21, 2020, 02:38:59 AM »
For your amusement...

I got a couple glitches to work out as I assemble PB 8.0...


Announcements / Platform Builder 8
« on: February 10, 2020, 02:58:55 AM »
Hello Everyone,

I said in a previous announcement that the next version of Platform Builder is going to be bigger than usual. Some of you were wondering if we were talking another major update into Platform Builder 8. The answer is yes!

Work has already begun, and I plan to have it all ready sometime in the early Summer. My Goal for PB 8 is to address some of those spots in PB which seem oddly limiting. As usual, I will be sharing what's coming in the "Coming Soon" page of these forums. In fact, I'll be posting there after I finish writing this announcement.

The Coming Soon page is for registered members only. So if you don't already have a forum account with us, get one! Registration is free.

Announcements / MOVED: Enemy Commands in Platform Builder 6.4
« on: January 20, 2020, 07:08:00 PM »
This topic has been moved to Tutorials. It also rewrote the topic so that it would be improved and current to PB 7.2.

Announcements / Platform Builder 7.2
« on: January 20, 2020, 06:58:47 PM »
Hello everyone,

Platform Builder 7.2 is now out! This is not a large update, but it is an important one. There are a number of bug fixes and several new much-needed functions. You can see the updates here.

I updated the Command Prompt Page and the Conditional Page on our website to reflect some of the new changes. Here is what you can look out for:

projectile dir = facing, approximate enemy, etc. (changes the projectile direction settings for the character)
projectile dir up = true (enables firing up when the projectile direction settings are set to "select")
projectile dir down left = false (disables firing down-left when the projectile direction settings are set to "select")
with nearest enemy 1 (finds the closest enemy with an ID of 1 so that you can start using enemy commands without specifying the enemy ID)
with nearest item 3, with nearest block, etc. (This works for other stuff too)
trigger block 5 (triggers blocks and with ID of 5)
if mouse button = left (checks if the left mouse button is being pressed down)

Platform Builder 7.2 was never announced. Truth is, I was just planning for another patch, but I thought it would be good to add a couple needed stuff. I actually have plans to get started on another large update soon. It will take some time, but hopefully I will be able to get a good start so that I can start posting announcements about it in the "Coming Soon" forum. If you haven't already registered for an account on these forums, you will need to in order to see those announcements.


Platform Builder Update Log / Version 7.2
« on: January 20, 2020, 06:46:30 PM »

Platform Builder 7.2

Patch 1:

  • Fixed: There is a looping command block that doesn't work right when it is triggered by projectiles.
  • Fixed: Platform Builder Pro Checklist doesn't display above everything in the main menu.
  • Fixed: Command prompts for character key presses don't work when the character is disabled.
  • Fixed: You can still enter doors after the character dies
  • Fixed: Character commands don't run in the explore section for standbox games
  • Fixed: Importing sounds into the manager can change the displayed status of build-in sounds
  • Fixed: Custom projectile with custom sprite can jerk to the side when reversing direction

  • Added key down and key release character commands
  • Added mouse button options in the character commands
  • Added projectile direction commands for the character
  • Added mouse button conditionals
  • Added option to toggle a display for the x and y coordinates of your workbox in Game Setup > Other Settings. This can be useful when working with commands that use X and Y coordinates.
  • Added more functionality item/projectile/sprite/block commands without IDs (similar to how enemy commands can work without IDs when being called from an enemy command prompt).
  • Added "with nearest" commands which helps you target the closest item, enemy, projectile, etc.
  • Added a command to trigger custom blocks
  • Builder sound effects setting is moved from the main menu to game setup for faster switching
  • The backspace key will no longer work to delete items in the item box. Use DELETE instead.
  • "Enemy Effect" command no longer requires enemy ID if called from an enemy command prompt.
  • Fixed: "Use previous" option for time limit is not working in course settings
  • Fixed: Error when a custom items is created or begins on top of a slope
  • Fixed: HP and Ammo limitation settings do not work in Sandbox mode
  • Fixed: Some images are out of line in the manual on page 5.
  • Fixed: Friendly Fire projectiles may harm character firing the projectile.
  • Fixed: Parallax Scrolling settings does not save correctly.
  • Fixed: "Time" command causes error when run from the area start command prompt.
  • Fixed: Some commands are ignored in area startup command prompt.
  • Fixed: Custom enemies set to harm or be harmed by each other does not work if they are the flying type.
  • Fixed: Error when a custom enemy is created over a projectile.
  • Fixed: Erorr when using "Take player item" command without specifying the player.

Working with Platform Builder / MOVED: Infinite Ammo?
« on: December 31, 2019, 02:03:41 AM »

Announcements / Platform Builder 7.1
« on: November 18, 2019, 12:37:36 AM »
Hi everyone!

Platform Builder 7.1 is out! This isn't a huge update, but there are still some important changes and additions that I think you will be glad to see. You can view the updates here.

Some new commands that come with this update:
  • spawn background sprite
  • hide player 1/2
  • unhide player 1/2
  • projectile direction = mouse/cursor (See the new projectile direction settings in char/enemy setup)
  • projectile direction = user

Announcements / Swearing on the Forums
« on: November 18, 2019, 12:31:45 AM »
Hi everyone,

I have noticed a couple times that someone will use a swear word on the forums, and that spins off into a big conversation about forum policy, what "counts" as a swear word, etc. Let me clear some things up so that we are all on the same page.

In the forum registration user agreement, it says "Since this is intended to be a family-friendly forum website, keep everything G-rated. This includes no swear words of any kind." -This would include "damn" and "hell." Basically, if the word is edgy, harsh, or potentially offensive to your grandma, then don't use it. There are plenty of other words in English to choose from.

I know that some of you think it's no big deal. It's just a word, right? Yes and no. Certain words carry disrespectful or aggressive connotations to some readers. Similarly, there are certain places you don't touch a person because that shows disrespect or aggression or possibly even harassment. Our culture has determined what counts as respect and disrespect, and we owe it to each other as a community to eliminate all forms of disrespect. I want a mother of an 8-year-old boy to be able to look at these forums and feel comfortable having her child interacting with the people here. The standard is higher because Platform Builder is designed to be suitable for a wide range of ages.

I prefer that we don't engage in long discussions on other threads about this topic. Just stick to the rules of the forum and enjoy a safe space for interaction with one another. If there is an issue, then let me be the bad guy.

Cool. Thanks guys!

Platform Builder Update Log / Version 7.1
« on: November 18, 2019, 12:10:19 AM »
Platform Builder 7.1

Patch 6:
  • Signs can be read underwater
  • Fixed: custom enemies are not appearing outside of the starting view
Patch 5:
  • Improved ability to ground-pound on blocks
  • Ground-pounding now works through blocks that are destroyed when they are triggered.
  • Fixed: Error when using enemy x and y conditionals.
  • Fixed: Propel attacks go through slopes.
  • Fixed: Glitch when using bracketed x and y coordinates for things that have decimal point values.
  • Fixed: Importing levels with custom enemies or blocks or items may fail to import their proper sprites.
Patch 4:
  • Fixed: There are problems using x and y positioning commands in item effects
  • Fixed: Error when testing characters and enemies in Game Setup
  • Fixed: Error when spawning custom enemies from auto-blocks
  • Fixed: Expand water/lava/tar tiles do not properly work when playing game outside of test mode.
  • Note: I fixed another issue with full screen mode minimizing automatically and coming back glitchy. I managed to fix the effect, though you will still see a screen flash. This is a Windows thing and may not be easily fixed.
Patch 3:
  • Fixed issues with new or updated games in explore section not launching
  • Backups can be loaded when there is a level ID error
  • Fixed: Character positioning commands are not working with certain kinds of command blocks
  • Fixed: Custom background with very far distance is shakey when moving around
  • Fixed: Using a melee weapon against something that is harmful will cause damage
  • Fixed: single-space metal fall block creates an error
  • Fixed: Score items hidden in checks/blocks/crates still need to be found for "find all score items" area goal
  • Fixed: Enemies items hidden in blocks/crates still need to be defeated for "defeat all enemies" area goal
  • Fixed: Playing games (not any kind of test mode) has collision problems with solid objects in the overworld
Patch 2:
  • Fixed: The overworld isn't working properly when running a game
  • Modified how notifications work with new games in the explore section
Patch 1:
  • Fixed: "effect = #" commands are not working.
  • Fixed: Some character movement commands like attacking and jumping are not working.
  • Fixed: Error code when starting a new game.
  • Added commands to spawn sprites in the foreground
  • Added commands to hide player 1 or player 2 individually
  • Added ability to have enemy projectiles start in the direction toward the cursor
  • Added character projectile direction settings
  • Added option to display players pushing against each other and NPCs (Game Setup > Other Settings)
  • Added a looping command prompt for every area (Game Setup > Other Settings)
  • The "projectile direction" command has more options
  • Projectile angle is smoothened to 360 degree rotation
  • Improved performance of commands. Like, a lot.
  • Improved performance in general when playing a game (this does not include test runs)
  • Test mode now displays FPS
  • The free tool has been integrated into items which traditionally didn't need it
  • Fixed: Error code when placing an enemy over a spring
  • Fixed: Duplicating characters doesn't copy command prompt information
  • Fixed: Using shift to pick multiple items at once doesn't work with the free tool
  • Fixed: Character gets stuck in wall when wallsliding down a wall that ends with an inverted slope
  • Fixed: Tile viewer in corner doesn't remain fixed when moving the view around with the keyboard
  • Fixed: Tile viewer in corner disappears if placing multiple items down using shift
  • Fixed: Items are removed from item box when pressing backspace while a text field is open
  • Fixed: Spawning sprites over spawn blocks places them 16 pixels to the right
  • Note: "cut music" is no longer a valid command. Use "stop music" or "end music" or "quit music" instead.

Off Topic / Matthew Tingblad on YouTube
« on: November 03, 2019, 05:20:43 AM »
Hi everyone,

Thought I would give a shameless plug to a new YouTube channel I have been working on.

This is a personal channel, unrelated to Platform Builder. If you didn't already know, I am a Christian. It's honestly a really big part of my life. I feel like there is a lot of misinformation about how Christians and Christianity are understood, so I'm using this channel to put out a new video every month related to a pressing question that people often have about us, our practices, and our beliefs. I try my best to do it in a fun, engaging, and creative way.

Matthew (TingThing) Tingblad.

Announcements / A NEW way to get Pro
« on: October 05, 2019, 05:19:58 PM »
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that there is a new method for purchasing Platform Builder Pro. By visiting the downloads page on our website, there is a button to purchase a steam key for Platform Builder Pro. Steam takes quite a large percentage of the sales made directly on their website, and they have the right to do that. But this new method allows more of your support to go to the developer.

I've never been about the money. PB sales cover a very small part of my expenses in life. But I certainly appreciate your support.

Thanks everyone!

Announcements / Important Bug to be aware of
« on: September 22, 2019, 09:28:15 PM »

Update: This Bug has been fixed in Platform Builder 7.1.5


Hi everyone,

I just discovered a bug you should be aware of. If you are editing in a level and you select "edit" and click on a custom sprite to edit the sprite in Game Setup, PB will appear to save your level, but it will actually destroy your saved data for whatever area you are working on. This can be avoided by saving manually first.

Luckily, if you lose your data, you can restore a backup from the menu. But you will likely have to rebuild whatever you did before you last actual save.

I'll work to put out an update soon to fix this.


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