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Completed Games / Re: Space Invaders Remake
« Last post by Alley on October 27, 2022, 07:53:13 PM »
Hey, Gizgord!

Thank you! :) Nice to hear from you too. I take your words into count. Working on 2 more projects including my PB project or starting with a new one is still in my mind but I never seem to get on it more seriously anymore. I guess, I try to take it more easily and just do something when I will do or should I not do something then I simply won't.  :P

Right now, I consider myself an old man and community fan rather than a developer. ::)
General Discussion / Re: Creating a Skip Level Item
« Last post by WidgetKitty on October 23, 2022, 07:51:41 AM »
NPC's have special appearance settings. it goes something like.. always, until talk and until course complete. try changing that.

as for the item... your solution to add a conditional check is valid. I use a similar process. here's what I would do..
in the same prompt that's used to skip the level, write "game var skip=1". run this command near the end of your course as well, with an invisible <-> command block. just so you don't miss it.
I don't know why your item wasn't destroyed.. make sure to run the command when the item is in view. maybe try a different command? kill item, destroy item, delete item, clear item
by the way, your use of syntax is valid. {} are for conditionals and [] are for delay commands and reading variable value. although you don't need brackets for a singular command line.

Ah OK, thanks - sounds pretty straight forward. I'll try this next time I work on the game
Works in Progress / Re: Spy Girl Story (Name Pending)
« Last post by WidgetKitty on October 23, 2022, 07:50:40 AM »
the new enemies are quite creative, and they look good - as per. bulldozer is a fun concept, never crossed my mind as an enemy.  :o
sketching on paper is the best, isn't it?
I really want this game to come out well, keep us in touch  O:-)

Thank you! Well, there'll be warehouse and construction style levels, I thought the bulldozer robot would be appropriate. Half the enemies are supposed to be construction/mining robots being controlled by an AI.

Oh yeah, I do more traditional art than anything else; it's so nice to plan something out in a sketchbook before trying to do it in the program.

I'll keep you guys in the know, but by the next update hopefully I can release a playable demo!
Works in Progress / Re: Spy Girl Story (Name Pending)
« Last post by Gizgord on October 22, 2022, 10:44:53 PM »
the new enemies are quite creative, and they look good - as per. bulldozer is a fun concept, never crossed my mind as an enemy.  :o
sketching on paper is the best, isn't it?
I really want this game to come out well, keep us in touch  O:-)
General Discussion / Re: Creating a Skip Level Item
« Last post by Gizgord on October 22, 2022, 10:38:01 PM »
NPC's have special appearance settings. it goes something like.. always, until talk and until course complete. try changing that.

as for the item... your solution to add a conditional check is valid. I use a similar process. here's what I would do..
in the same prompt that's used to skip the level, write "game var skip=1". run this command near the end of your course as well, with an invisible <-> command block. just so you don't miss it.
I don't know why your item wasn't destroyed.. make sure to run the command when the item is in view. maybe try a different command? kill item, destroy item, delete item, clear item
by the way, your use of syntax is valid. {} are for conditionals and [] are for delay commands and reading variable value. although you don't need brackets for a singular command line.
Completed Sandbox Levels / Simple Inventory Menu Template
« Last post by Gizgord on October 22, 2022, 10:23:24 PM »

A simple inventory menu system to get you started. Most commands are explained with comments.

Feel free to import this sandbox to your games!
Works in Progress / Re: Spy Girl Story (Name Pending)
« Last post by WidgetKitty on October 22, 2022, 12:35:59 PM »
Got some time to work on my game this week, including an update on the world map:

Now you can see the three different paths better. The centre one through town and forest (easiest), the mountain path on the West side with a desert (medium), and the underground (hardest path). I'm done up to level 12, next up is three fortresses to make for each path, that ends with an upgrade (ground pound, double jump, and wall jump), then I'll probably put the demo out.

New Enemies:

A couple new colours for my Goons, then I made thorn-spitting cacti and floating Pharaoh heads for the desert levels, and bulldozer robots and masks that chase you for the city levels. And a special version of a Stingbat that's on fire. These ones were pretty fun to make!

Just a few new levels made:

Future Level Sketches:

I needed a break from my screens, so I sketched out plans for my three upcoming fort levels, thought you guys might be interested:

Thanks for looking! I have a few kinks to work out and a little more to make, and this will be about 1/3 done, and worthy of something playable.
General Discussion / Creating a Skip Level Item
« Last post by WidgetKitty on October 22, 2022, 12:38:35 AM »
Hi guys - so I have this custom item I want to use. Basically it's the ability to bribe one of the big boss's henchmen to let you skip some of the levels:

You collect a lot of cash in my game, and there's these tank, train, and airship levels - three of each - that block your path but aren't part of the numbered levels, and tend to be harder. So I thought it'd be neat to be able to skip them for $500. Everything functions fine like I'd expect, except one issue: if you play the level legitimately, and then re-enter it, I want that item gone - and the NPC too, if I can.

I was looking for a command along the lines of "if course complete" but found nothing, and my experiments with that failed. The I thought I could have a variable made by a command just before the level exit, then added a command in the item's "create" area:

if game var skip = 1
remove item 46

Item 46 being that Skip Level for sale. This command did nothing, not sure if I used the right syntax. I also tried using that command in the individual item placed in the level (which I realized I might need to do anyway, since each skippable level would need its own variable). Anybody know how I can make this item and NPC disappear for replays after the level they're in is completed, whether the player played or paid?
Working with Platform Builder / Re: What I do wrong
« Last post by Gizgord on October 19, 2022, 11:11:11 AM »
that sounds vaguely familiar. can you post some screenshots to clear things up?
you can screenshot by clicking F1
General Discussion / mainatin lenses on build needed
« Last post by JC LEON on October 18, 2022, 01:59:20 PM »
hi  can i asj the dev to add the option to maintain the leneses even on build exes..
without lenses our games lose the feel and mood we gave them...

it's a really necessary feature...

please add lenses to out build..
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