Author Topic: Swearing on the Forums  (Read 1344 times)


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Swearing on the Forums
« on: November 18, 2019, 12:31:45 AM »
Hi everyone,

I have noticed a couple times that someone will use a swear word on the forums, and that spins off into a big conversation about forum policy, what "counts" as a swear word, etc. Let me clear some things up so that we are all on the same page.

In the forum registration user agreement, it says "Since this is intended to be a family-friendly forum website, keep everything G-rated. This includes no swear words of any kind." -This would include "damn" and "hell." Basically, if the word is edgy, harsh, or potentially offensive to your grandma, then don't use it. There are plenty of other words in English to choose from.

I know that some of you think it's no big deal. It's just a word, right? Yes and no. Certain words carry disrespectful or aggressive connotations to some readers. Similarly, there are certain places you don't touch a person because that shows disrespect or aggression or possibly even harassment. Our culture has determined what counts as respect and disrespect, and we owe it to each other as a community to eliminate all forms of disrespect. I want a mother of an 8-year-old boy to be able to look at these forums and feel comfortable having her child interacting with the people here. The standard is higher because Platform Builder is designed to be suitable for a wide range of ages.

I prefer that we don't engage in long discussions on other threads about this topic. Just stick to the rules of the forum and enjoy a safe space for interaction with one another. If there is an issue, then let me be the bad guy.

Cool. Thanks guys!