Author Topic: Moving Forward with Platform Builder Pro  (Read 1341 times)


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Moving Forward with Platform Builder Pro
« on: November 06, 2018, 08:21:47 AM »
Hello friends,

When Platform Builder Pro was first released, things looked a lot different. There was no 2-player co-op. There was no character sprite designer. There was no command prompt. There was no publisher or explore section. There were no controls for sound effects, custom menus, custom blocks, or timelines.

It's amazing to reflect on all that has changed, and I think it is time to reconsider where Platform Builder sits in the market. I have always wanted to provide generous pricing, but I also want to be fair to myself, my own costs, and the countless hours I have poured into developing this. After quite a lot of thought, I believe it is time to raise the pricing of Platform Builder Pro so that it does a better job reflecting its quality as a product.

The new price is not yet determined, nor is there a definite date when the price change will occur, but I can tell you that it will likely happen soon. If you are using Platform Builder Standard and you are thinking of purchasing Pro, I'm giving you the opportunity to make that decision before the price goes up. If you are already using Pro, then nothing will change for you. You will be able to keep using Pro at the price you paid.

I truly enjoy being a part of this community and I hope that Platform Builder will continue to grow through fair and honest business practices. This discussion is closed for comments, but you are totally welcome to share questions, commends or concerns directly to me and I will get back to you as soon as I am able.

« Last Edit: November 06, 2018, 08:23:17 AM by TingThing »