Here is the 10th medley of suggestions I do. Hopefully TingThing does some of these for 8.0
Let's begin:
Depth, alpha, visible option for objects: Depth will stand for which thing will be later drawn or sooner. Items with less depth will be above ones with more. Alpha will stand for the opacity of the object. Visible will be a checkbox that would make visible or invisible the object directly, a command for this would be cool too.
Random teleport commands: These would be
Random teleport = [object and id]
Random smart teleport = [object and id]
They teleport that object to a random position on the screen, smart version will attempt to teleport it to an air place, avoiding teleporting it inside blocks
distance to x, y: Just a bracketing that returns a number that represents the distance from the executor to x and y.
Executor, executor coordinates, reset executor command: The executor is the object that is executing the commands in a command prompt. Some commands use this such as effect command, that plays the effect over the executor. This command should simulate the executor as another object, coordinates will set the coordinates of the executor simulation. So you can use effect = 26, to play that effect over any coordinates without an object. Reset executor will set the executor back to the one should be.
Tags for items and blocks: Allow to classify objects into tags, which then can be detected. Like, tags for specific items to be weapon items. Then a command can detect if the item has a tag or something like that.
Hopefully you liked this suggestions. Bye!