Hello everyone,Platform Builder 7.2 is now out! This is not a large update, but it is an important one. There are a number of bug fixes and several new much-needed functions. You can see the updates
I updated the
Command Prompt Page and the
Conditional Page on our website to reflect some of the new changes. Here is what you can look out for:
projectile dir = facing, approximate enemy, etc. (changes the projectile direction settings for the character)
projectile dir up = true (enables firing up when the projectile direction settings are set to "select")
projectile dir down left = false (disables firing down-left when the projectile direction settings are set to "select")
with nearest enemy 1 (finds the closest enemy with an ID of 1 so that you can start using enemy commands without specifying the enemy ID)
with nearest item 3, with nearest block, etc. (This works for other stuff too)
trigger block 5 (triggers blocks and with ID of 5)
if mouse button = left (checks if the left mouse button is being pressed down)
Platform Builder 7.2 was never announced. Truth is, I was just planning for another patch, but I thought it would be good to add a couple needed stuff. I actually have plans to get started on another large update soon. It will take some time, but hopefully I will be able to get a good start so that I can start posting announcements about it in the "Coming Soon" forum. If you haven't already registered for an account on these forums, you will need to in order to see those announcements.