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Version 8.0
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Topic: Version 8.0 (Read 2468 times)
Admin and Developer
Level 20: Nobom
Posts: 1395
Creator and Developer of Platform Builder
Version 8.0
June 06, 2020, 04:59:59 PM »
Platform Builder 8.0 Updates
Added Advanced Lighting Controls for world and course.
Added controls for intensity of lens effects.
Added ability to view lighting and lens effects while editing.
Added advanced settings for invisible light blocks.
Improved overall speed of Platform Builder so that it runs more efficiently on computers.
For PB Pro: Added ability to import your own individual uploaded sprites for the character. This allows for different sizes and animations for the character
Added several more camera distances which go farther back
Added a view button in the editor to change the view distance, scroll speed, grid display, and work box coordinates. You can also hold ctrl. and use the mouse wheel to adjust the view size.
Added text items which can be placed to display text in your game (Add this in your item box using the find tool, or reset the item back to factory default).
Added several more options for larger custom tile sizes.
Added ability to disable game screen buttons and other automatic things that happen in game screens
Added ability to use commands in game screens
Added many more animation speed options in game setup.
Added "button" animation style for custom sprites as animation speed option. (Right-click that to learn about it.)
Added feature to automatically set the left and right side of bounding boxes to be equal distance from the center in the sprite editor.
Importing sprites with animations will automatically set the number of frames if the sprite frames have an equal width and height.
Added "enemy" as an attack power type for projectiles. This can be useful for custom blocks with a weakness of "enemy."
Added 2 faster speed options for custom projectiles.
Added ability to vertically tile individual layers for custom backgrounds.
Added defense controls for custom projectiles. This lets you enable the ability to destroy them with attacks or jump off them.
Commands can now be used to bring max money as high as 99999
Custom block command inputs for trigger and destroy are now independant of the other options for trigger and destroy. This means you don't need to choose between a command or something else.
X can now be used as a hotkey for toggling the display of x/y coordinates in the course editor
Buttons which store information (like command prompt buttons, naming area, etc.) are dulled out if they are not used.
The world and course editors will save the location of your view so that you return to the same place where you left off.
Characters in screen editors can be enabled using the command "enable characters" (they start disabled by default)
The work box coordinates option was moved from game setup settings to the view button in your course editor.
The "Never" option for game saving in game setup has been adjusted so that it never saves progress so you can manually save it yourself using commands.
Improved some graphical issues with projectiles.
Added ability to open different managers within the command prompt and pick out the ID of anything.
Added ability to save and insert pre-written command prompts using a command prompt manager.
Added several more command inputs for custom enemies, custom items, custom projectiles
For PB Pro: Added some commands for temporarily changing the character sprite
Added a bunch of more command inputs for custom blocks.
Added more commands for changing the camera size
Added commands for working with game files
Added command to go to the splash screen
Added command to display pause options
Added commands to enable or disable the visibility of things
Added commands to adjust the alpha level of things
Added commands for creating lightning effect
Added commands for changing projectiles into items, enemies, etc., and visa versa.
Added the cursor position as a spawn point
Added "self" as a spawn point, to spawn from whatever is running the command
Added "closest spawn" as a spawn point, to spawn near the closest invisible spawn block
Added "farthest spawn" as a spawn point, to spawn near the farthest invisible spawn block
Added "random spawn" as a spawn point, to spawn near a randomly selected spawn point nearby
Added "with random enemy," "with random item," etc. to run commands from a randomly selected enemy, item, etc.
Added "with furthest enemy," "with furthest item," etc. to run commands from the farthest enemy, item, etc.
Added NPCs to the different "with" commands.
Added "with spawned" to run commands from whatever was last created
Added block count conditional
Added conditionals for checking the year, month, day, hour, and second. These can also be used in brackets.
Added "none" as an option for key/keyboard conditionals.
Added "grounded" as an option for character action conditionals.
Added command/conditional to pause and unpause the music
Added command/conditional to cause the music not to loop
"music = none" can now be used as a conditional to check if music if playing (Note: this will count as true of the music is paused, but you can use "if pause music" instead.)
Added conditional to check the type of thing calling the command (it type = enemy/item/character, etc.)
Added conditions that check the distance to something like an enemy, item, etc.
Enemy direction commands can now be used as conditionals.
"with player 1" and "with player 2" command can now be used as a conditional to check which player the command prompt is running for.
Added ability in command prompt to put "area" or "overworld" in brackets to get the current area or overworld ID.
item count conditional, enemy count conditional, etc. can now be used in brackets
Most physics commands can now be maxed out at 500 using commands.
Added color = r,g,b as a command.
Added command prompt for when the character is created.
Uploaded background layers are aligned from the bottom from now on.
Improved functionality with the grid tool for items of irregular size.
Fixed: Magnet item for player 2 is not attracting items properly.
Fixed: There are problems with "for closest" command finding the closest item/enemy/projectile when called from an item/enemy/projectile
Fixed: Error message when trying to place a custom sprite when no sprite is selected
Fixed: Error changing sprite in commands when called from a non-Character
Fixed: Error message when pausing the game after collecting an inventory item with a custom sprite and changing areas.
Fixed: Error when character is disabled and attack is triggered while there are character commands for attack+directional key.
Fixed: Error when certain commands are called from an item removed out of inventory.
Fixed: Error copying a custom tile when a custom sprite is selected.
Fixed: The highlights when you enable "edit" can be clicked on even if they are under the workstation.
Fixed: Overworld character can sometimes pass over an incompleted level after dying in an area.
Fixed: Assistant talking speed is slow in custom items and custom projectiles of Game Setup.
Fixed: Enemy bounce heights are incorrect.
Fixed: Unable to move item box layouts inside and outside folders.
Fixed: The use of effect names in command prompts may fail to work.
Fixed: "Instant Complete Course" command does not transition right when testing an area.
Fixed: Custom physics right arrow button goes beyond the maximum limit of things.
Fixed: Error when trying to use "hud text 0" in command prompts to change the x and y position of the hud text
Fixed: Some buttons in the item box can be right-clicked on even when the item box is closed
Fixed: New Projects in PB may not reset sound effect IDs.
Fixed: Editing custom projectiles enables 3D tiles for your game when the setting is turned off.
Fixed: Pressing Ctrl.+ Z will remove text in a command prompt if you just opened it.
Fixed: Error message when moving or saving custom tiles after they have been changed with undo or redo actions.
Fixed: "Character attack" command may not work when character is running or in the air.
Fixed: Unlimited Health Switches to No Health when you force a character death.
Fixed: Closing out of manager using the button in the top-right may not save work.
Fixed: It is possible to hurt yourself with a friendly-fire projectile as you are firing it.
Fixed: There are problems right-clicking on things in the custom backgrounds section of Game Setup
Fixed: Command checkpoints are sometimes activated when they shouldn't be, and you start in the wrong place of an area.
Fixed: Right-clicking command prompt gives false-negative for some commands right after conditionals.
Fixed: placing sole character in a folder from the character manager causes an issue with the assistant.
Fixed: Pressing "P" on the keyboard during a test run brings up a message about Game Setup.
Fixed: Character physics commands in explore section don't work for PB Standard users.
Fixed: Character setup does not load or save properly when entering from the orange highlight in sandbox levels.
Fixed: Enemy pounding and jumping doesn't always work to activate a block in a row of blocks.
Fixed: Moving platforms are easy to fall through.
Fixed: Bracketing things don't always work with player 2 stats.
Fixed: Exiting out of command prompt when testing will still run the commands.
Note: The option to select the starting location for new games is no longer with the title screen buttons. It is now in the title screen settings
Note: Gameplay data for the games you have made from previous versions of Platform Builder may no longer work
Note: Due to the changes in how characters are handles in game screens, they will no longer stand in mid-air or on imported tiles with no invisible solids.
Note: There are a few more smaller things to come before the final release.
Last Edit: June 06, 2020, 05:15:16 PM by TingThing
Christian, 3D artist, former Platform Builder gamdev
Master Builder
Posts: 3836
Re: Version 8.0
Reply #1 on:
June 06, 2020, 07:25:17 PM »
Awesome! I knew I was right!
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Platform Builder Update Log
Version 8.0