I still have the theory that PB requires more cpu when the command prompt has more lines etc.
If that's the case, my idea is that when you export to exe, PB will convert all the command prompts into the minimum expression of them, so the game will run as fast as possible. If you don't understand let me explain
I have this cp, well ordered, understandable, and human-readable
color = white
//If the player has defended recently, remove cooldown
if defendingS > 0
defendingS - 1
//If the player is still defending, give effects. If not, enable hurt again
if defendingS > 16
effect = circle in
remove hurt = true
remove hurt = false
bulletRegen + 1 //Regen time progresses
//Regen if the delay succeed
if bulletRegen >= 30
bulletRegen = 0
ammo + 1
//Reset character sprite if the wall slide
if wall slide = true
reset char sprite
But the program may need require to consume some resources to check where something is important or not. To fix that, when you export to exe, PB will convert this command prompt into something like this
color = white
if defendingS > 0
defendingS - 1
if defendingS > 16
effect = circle in
remove hurt = 1
remove hurt = 0
bulletRegen + 1
if bulletRegen >= 30
bulletRegen = 0
ammo + 1
if wall slide = 1
reset char sprite
Less human-readable but faster for the game to run.
In general, its removing comments, empty lines and in general anything that would require PB to unnecessarily consume more than truly needed. This is actually what true scripting languages do. In general, they remove any comments and convert into the most simple machine-language possible,