Author Topic: Demon Hearts  (Read 18100 times)

Aeterna Games | Æ

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Re: Demon Hearts
« Reply #60 on: April 18, 2022, 02:27:06 PM »
Hey! It's finally me again. Yes, I am still alive and my project is definitely not dead.
Now I will show you some new infos.

At first, that will be the names from all of my worlds in the game:

Beginning Worlds & Overworld:

Graveyard of the Undead
Demon Town (Naberius Lair)

Worlds of the Hearts:

Demonic Citadel (Astaroths Throne)
Empty Sea of Nothingless
Messy Mines of Junk
Overheating Mountains
Nebula Swamp of Seduction
Icy Heights of Torpor
Crying Forest

The colors of the level-names are identical to the descriptions of the guardians in the main post. So can see which guardian rule it. Even the level-names are a reference to which one you will find there.

At next, you will finally get something for the eyes to look. I will show you the tilesets I use and how the maps will look like. There are some examples:


I bought every single of the tilesets, so they aren't my own, but I create the maps with them myself of course. Thank you very much to the guys they did such epic work for us to use. That's worth the money!

Yeah you can see I am still working on that game. For the moment, I only design the maps, without enemies, items etc. Even that is so much work, but it's worth it. I have done even more maps than u think, I just don't want to show them all.  After I am done for the beta maps, I will do the rest. In the beta, you can only play the Catacombs, Graveyard and Demon Town + Naberius Lair. I just wanted to send you some signs of life and activity from me and my project, so that thread won't die.

That's it for now. I hope it's enough for the moment and u like it.
So, stay tuned and see u next time! ;D
« Last Edit: April 21, 2022, 01:04:55 PM by Aeterna Games | Æ »
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Re: Demon Hearts
« Reply #61 on: April 18, 2022, 05:55:12 PM »
bro, those tilesets are incredible. money well spent.  8)
I find acronyms to be kind of cheesy, so I'm not crazy for the level names; albeit the game appears to have nice variety of themes. keep up posted  :o

Aeterna Games | Æ

  • Game Developer and Creator of Aeterna Games | Æ
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Re: Demon Hearts
« Reply #62 on: April 18, 2022, 10:58:53 PM »
bro, those tilesets are incredible. money well spent.  8)
I find acronyms to be kind of cheesy, so I'm not crazy for the level names; albeit the game appears to have nice variety of themes. keep up posted  :o

Yeah, I like them too. And they are EXACTLY what I needed and fit perfectly to the game. About the names, there is a reason why I did that. They are important for the Story and the Bosses of the game. Maybe u will understand after you got more of the story. And the first letters of the names are hiding a word, just a little secret which fits to the game and I wanted to hide.

I will try my best to keep posting, but I don’t want to show too much. For now, I will only focus and working on the Beta-Maps. After that I will do the rest. I‘m struggling with the coding things, cuz the updates generate new bugs and change some commands lots of times.

Thx for your interest and see you soon!

« Last Edit: April 18, 2022, 10:59:57 PM by Aeterna Games | Æ »
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