Hello, builders! 
I'm preparing a new Collab. It's themed around S P A C E .HOW TO JOIN:To participate, let me know either under this post or join
Plugger's Zone - our Discord server:
https://discord.gg/JGq2mv5HOW DOES THIS WORK:You will be tasked to create a level. when you're done, export it as a PB-compatible file (no .EXE's, please). message me privately with a download link (Google Drive, Dropbox, mail attachment - whatever suits you). I will provide my own level, create transisions for in-between entries and release the game. it will be available on the Explore section and (hopefully) as an EXE file.
GENERAL GROUND RULES:-don't give me anything that wouldn't pass as an Explore submission. obviously*
-your level should be short. aim for
30 seconds - 1,5 minutes of play time
-you are allowed to include multiple areas
-theme your level around SPACE. make of that what you will: traversing the Moon, flying in between planets or exploring spaceships. try not to be too vague with it, tho
-adequate difficulty, don't make your level impossible
-sandbox areas are preferred, but I accept game files as well
CAN I INCLUDE CUSTOM ASSETS?custom assets (such as graphics and music) are allowed and welcomed. if you don't own PB Pro and want to include some custom things of your own, attach them with your level entry and leave appropriate notes. maybe we could work something out.
*COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL?I will respect the UELA. copyrighted material will be replaced by safe alternatives for the Explore release.
hovewer, I will include them for the .EXE export.
DEADLINES:joining deadline ends in a week, Saturday 25th at 6PM CET (GTM+1) | 12AM EST (GTM-5).
entry deadline ends at Friday 7th of January next year, 10PM CET (GTM+1) | 4PM EST (GTM-5).
List of participants: