« on: June 02, 2022, 02:38:30 AM »
Platform Builder 10.0Patch 3- Improved some physics when ascending slopes.
- Fixed: Custom enemies made before PB 10 may give an error striking them with invincibility
- Fixed: Pass through walls setting in flying custom enemy does not work
- Fixed: Overworld intro message is not displaying
- Fixed: Folder system gets messed up when you are selecting a start location, you switch from worlds to areas (or visa versa), and then move up a folder
- Fixed: Escape button is duplicated when you click "back" when in the menu to select which game screen you wish to edit.
- Fixed: Error when entering overworld in a .exe game.
Patch 2- Fixed: Error when firing a projectile with approximate or exact enemy direction. (Test with YYC. Should be fixed. It was removing the target instance when I still needed it.
- Fixed: Error when custom enemy starts over a custom block.
- Fixed: Error loading sprites with scr_set_char_sheet
- Fixed: Error when importing areas
- Fixed: Gate remains solid after opening when running at 45 fps
- Fixed: Character will continually float up after jumping on a cannonball when the character is using custom physics
Patch 1- Fixed: Error when right-clicking on outlined graphic setting in Game Setup.
- Fixed: Error when fireing a homing projectile.
- Fixed: Error when playing/testing an area with the view distance set to 5.
- Fixed: A few of the tile selections for simple cliffs in the overworld do not select the correct tile.
- Fixed: Some tile selections for edge pieces in the overworld do not select the correct tile.
- Fixed: During the transition from an overworld to an area, some graphics go black.
- Fixed: Right-clicking on destroy animation in custom block settings does not give the correct information.
- Fixed: Recursion Error is possible when changing the character position with an area command.
- Fixed: Lighting controls may not cover the full view if the view size is changed during gameplay.
- Fixed: Items with gravity do not fall when spawned over one-way platforms.
- Fixed: Platform Builder may freeze when entering test mode while using control+s to save at the same time.
- Fixed: Player 2 ground pound does not look or sound correct.
- Fixed: Some backgrounds do not have a seamless top.
Updates- The graphics in Platform Builder has been redone. You can choose between the two new options or the old graphics in "other settings" of Game Setup.
- The available features for Platform Builder Standard have increased. You can now use more custom enemies, items, characters, etc., and NPCs are available.
- Tile Selection menu is available for all items that use subcategories.
- Added a few new backgrounds
- Game Slots are now unlimited.
- Added a new way to report bugs and errors through the menu of Platform Builder's editor mode.
- Added a new type of custom block which is both invisible and not solid until it is triggered.
- Added conditionals for collisions with enemies, items, etc.
- Added tool to search all commands in your game from the Game Setup main menu.
- Added Gray Advanced Cliffs in Overworld
- Added two more candle part sprites
- Added a few extra sprites options for pick-up custom items.
- Added cape, backpack, belts, and a several other new pieces in the character designer
- Added two kinds of lift blocks that work like elevators for your levels.
- Added "testing area" and "testing game" conditionals (which are more specific than just "testing")
- Added "projectile direction = X degrees" command for 360-degree projectile directions.
- Added "harmed" conditional for when the character is blinking after being harmed.
- Added a simple volume control for imported music.
- Added tile selection for everything in the overowrld and course editor.
- Added options in enemy settings for how to respond when hit by a character with invincibility.
- Added many new commands for modifying the settings of custom items.
- Added many new commands for modifying the settings of custom projectiles.
- Added many new commands for modifying the settings of custom blocks.
- Added commands for changing how custom enemies respond when hit by a character with invincibility.
- Added "Enemy Continue" command which causes the enemy to drop any movement commands but continue in its current movement.
- Added commands for checking, changing, and randomizing the "seed" of the randomizer in Platform Builder.
- Added commands for changing the window size.
- Added commands for snapping the x and y position of enemies, items, etc., to a grid of your chosen size.
- Added commands to modify the scroll speed and scroll direction of scrolling backgrounds.
- Added command to change the game's target fps after changing areas.
- Added commands to make custom enemies visible or invisible to homing projectiles.
- Added "distance to player" conditional.
- Added commands to spawn a sprite to be used in the HUD.
- Added commands to use the rumble feature on controllers.
- Added a few commands to change the size of the overhead text
- Added large cannonball and large cannonball wall cannon sprites to the sprite sheets.
- Added a short animation before a fireball pops up, to help users anticipate it.
- Improved animation of items when they are spawned from auto-blocks.
- key press conditionals for jump, attack, pick, and use can be used as non-conditionals, to just cause the character to respond as if the key was pressed.
- harm/hurt command will cause knockback and trigger hurt commands even if the player has unlimited health.
- "music volume" command is more spread more evenly from soft to loud.
- The example file has been updated slightly.
- The view position and movement is improved some with auto-run games, especially when those games include wall jumps.
- The secondary dirt color in the overworld has been added as an option for the overworld background.
- Fixed: Unable to set tile selection off to the side for live placement in the overworld editor.
- Fixed: Enemy 1 Sprite Sheet does not save and display correctly in Game Setup
- Fixed: There's an empty sub-position for text item in area, splash screen, and victory screen editors.
- Fixed: Some shading and animation issues are occurring with the item selection and subpos arrows in the workstation.
- Fixed: Putting tile selection off to the top-right corner does not work in the overworld editor.
- Fixed: "exit" command does not fully exit the command prompt.
- Fixed: Custom enemies set to ignore their environment are still affected by repel stones.
- Fixed: "Enemy = left down" command does not move the flying enemy in the right direction.
- Fixed: sparkle effect does not work right in items spawned from an auto-block.
- Fixed: Animation climbing down the ladder does not work when the character is near the top of the ladder.
- Fixed: Forced window size setting can be changed with F11 during gameplay.
- Fixed: When editing a new area for the first time, it says that the view distance is 4 when it's actually 5. This may cause the view to start too high the next time the area is loaded.
- Fixed: Sideways slime enemy may appear squished.
- Fixed: The quick edit mode from a test run is broken.
- Fixed: There are some problems with the character falling from moving platforms
- Fixed: The character position glitches when climbing on a ladder positioned next to another ladder.
- Fixed: Flying bosses which lock the view can fly out of the view.
- Fixed: Some text is cut off at the bottom of the pages of the manual.
- Fixed: Enemy hp and enemy max hp commands only work if the operator is "=".
- Fixed: Pop effect appears too high above items
- Fixed: Custom item settings for jump and bounce do not apply correctly.
- Fixed: The block trigger defense setting does not work correctly sometimes.
- Fixed: Some background distance settings do not work when the background is a single image and parallax scrolling is enabled.
- The button to change the tileset has been moved lower to the workstation so it is easier to notice
- I worked on an issue of the character falling down through jump-through platforms. It seems to be fixed but it's hard to test because the glitch was not always consistent.
- Several of the broken games on the explore section have been fixed or will be fixed soon.
- A lot of stuff that said "upload" now says "import."
- Items pop out of chests faster.
- Note: If you have uploaded sprite sheets for Cannons, Items 1, or Blocks, those sprite sheets will be reverted because of some new sprites that are included in those sheets. You will need to re-upload your custom sprites. If you don't have your old sprite sheet file, you can get it by going back into Game Setup to the desired sprite sheet and selecting "Save File." Although the new default sprite will be displayed, Platform Builder will save the old sprite sheet back to your hard drive.
- Note: The Requirements for publishing to the explore section have been updated. Please view them on page 10 of the manual.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2022, 10:10:04 PM by TingThing »
