that's a good sugestion. you could make a new thread about it 
Think I will, but I have a bunch of other suggestions. I'll jot some down as I'm working and make one thread in a few days with all of them.
I suppose you could experiment with setting items duration to course, then doing something like: give player1 item [item ID] every time you start a new level. but that would involve variables and conditionals.. it seems messy and I don't think it is worth it
Yeah, probably not. Was thinking I might create a system of special pick-up weapons that appear to be spawned by a machine, with some in-game explanation about why they disappear when out of range from their spawn block (leaving that level). Going to have grenades, boomerangs, flame throwers, etc.
well done with that conditional. you could replace "if ammo >= 1" with "else" if you want it to be tidier
you don't need to make these looping commands. that might actually introduce slowdowns, and there's a way to make it check only when it's necessary.
go to Game Setup>Character Setup>choose the player character>Char Commands.
there are many options to choose from. the best choice for your use-case is probably Key Press Commands>[Attack]. simply paste the longer command in that prompt, and it will run every time the player presses the attack button.
I should have thought to use "else" there instead - but get this, when I tried it, it didn't work, had to switch back to my original code. Actually, I hadn't clicked on that Char Commands button yet, assuming it was just a popup for one set of commands, not two pages of buttons! I had to separate it into two codes, for stand attack and move attack, but it works.
However, I erased the gun in her sprite already, since I'll be doing those throwing items. So when/if I add the gun, I'll also need to switch her sprite to have a gun, and then back to the usual sprite when the key is released - because you could have regular ammo and a special weapon; I don't want her pointing the gun to throw a grenade, for example. Just not sure how smooth that'll go.
Also tried to set up manually switching from unarmed front to ranged using Up
+ [attack], but it doesn't seem to work so far. Of course, that's assuming the player would want to go unarmed by choice. Just that a big mechanic is these custom grey crates that break from any attack (so you're punching and kicking these a lot), but regular bullets don't affect them unless they explode or something. I'm really debating not using the regular gun at all, since it's getting kind of messy with sprite changing. Instead, I might make the primary ammo grenades, and make them upgradable. A spy without her hand gun doesn't make much sense, but oh well...