« on: June 11, 2018, 08:40:54 PM »
Version 5.1
Patch 2:
- Fixed some text issues with bosses.
- Fixed: hiding the HUD doesn't hide collected items.
- Fixed: Undo button doesn't work properly after moving the same item more than once in a row.
- Fixed: Error when revealing invisible items.
Patch 1:
- Item blocks are easier to strike from the bottom
- Fixed: Pausing in full screen doesn't display the background image correctly.
- Fixed: Spring power is mistakenly compounded when you pound on it multiple times.
- Fixed: Save reminder causes the save button to stop working.
- Fixed: Explore section arrows don't work after using the filters.
- Fixed: Error message when changing the score with the command prompt.
- Fixed: Error message when starting an area with a popup message from the command prompt.
- Added ability to import and export slots which can be stored for later or transferred to other computers.
- Added option to allow timelines to be skipped.
- Added command input to area goals.
- Added command input for NPCs (Pro only).
- Added command to activate bosses within the view.
- Added commands to fade in and out music
- Added commands to turn on or off a black or white screen.
- Added commands to fade in and out to black or white.
- Added command to show and remove the HUD.
- Added command for the view to follow a spawn point.
- Added command to return to the last checkpoint.
- Added commands for shaking the screen.
- Added command to make custom blocks talk.
- Added command for the view to follow a custom block.
- Added command to spawn custom block.
- Adjustments have been made to how the large overhead text displays.
- Copy button is now able to find the specific custom item, block, etc. which you select.
- Moving views do not go beyond the edges of the area.
- Characters can be placed on ladders or hanging bars, and they will start by grabbing onto them.
- Example file timeline has been updated with a few new timeline commands at the end.
- Changing the view travel speed in the command prompt no longer re-centers the view on the character.
- A slight improvement has been made on the performance of the explore section.
- Fixed: Status button in the publisher might display incorrect text.
- Fixed: Error with bouncy items.
- Fixed: Invisible Command Blocks use word wrapping when they shouldn't.
- Fixed: Errow with checkpoints.
- Fixed: A skipped timeline will still run commands on 0:00.
- Fixed: Cut scenes don't allow character to enter pipe.
- Fixed: Overworld goal fails to save the link to a new overworld.
- Fixed: Sandbox character setup says there is an error at the top of the screen.
- Fixed: Moving a screen before opening a menu might displace some of the menu items.
- Fixed: Overworld backgrounds are wrongly named.
- Fixed: Several glitches when using uploaded character sprite sheets.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2018, 10:05:21 PM by TingThing »
