« on: June 12, 2018, 04:03:31 PM »
Version 5.2:Patch 1:- Fixed: View can't be moved when picking multiple items at once.
- Fixed: Hidden character is revealed when the course is completeed.
- Fixed: Enemy defeat settings gets glitchy when you try to change to an enemy of a spare sprite sheet.
- Fixed: Some text fields test for the command prompt when they shouldn't.
- Fixed: Pipe opening has a yellow box and doesn't always work.
- Fixed: Timeline editor sometimes gets misaligned when adding a new timeline element.
- Fixed: Projectile doesn't always give items when it is supposed to.
Updates:- Added new physics controls for swimming and flying
- Added layers for custom backgrounds.
- Added two new types of projectile movement settings, a better boomering and a return setting.
- The old boomering setting for projectile is renamed to 'Reverse'
- Added commands to work with the new swim and fly physics
- Added command to change where overhead text appears on the screen.
- Added commands to change or remove items, enemies, blocks, and NPCs.
- Added commands to kill enemies or destroy blocks (like removing them, but with the death anaimation happens).
- Added commands to harm enemies.
- Added command prompt to pause menu when testing levels.
- Added command to jump to a different world
- Command to complete the course now has the optional setting to change the overworld and/or spawnid in the overworld.
- Added a new backup feature which lets you restore levels from archived backup files.
- Added extra sprite sheets for blocks.
- Uploaded music can now be called in commands (Pro only)
- Uploaded backgrounds can now be called in commands (Pro only. This makes animated backgrounds possible with timelines.)
- Improved character attack responsiveness.
- Updated reward items for custom enemies to include new items from previous releases.
- Smoothened background changes in commands.
- Maximum life limit for projectiles has been doubled.
- Bouncy projectile perform better.
- Some of the default physics have been tweaked.
- Fixed: NPC movements settings don't work.
- Fixed: Pressing Esc while testing with a camera lens removes the bottom box briefly.
- Fixed: Music 'Continue Previous' setting doesn't work when returning from a checkpoint.
- Fixed: Uploaded sprite sheets sometimes fail to display in Character Setup menu.
- Fixed: Level manager name sometimes fails to display in area when switching between levels in the level manager.
- Fixed: Projectiles disappear when they go off screen, preventing them from returning if they are supposed to.
- Fixed: Bizz animation speed doesn't work properly.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2018, 05:37:54 PM by TingThing »
