yeah, I wasn't kidding. Level Mayhem is finally getting completed. shocker. here's a small QnA, maybe this answers some things:
is this a joke?
what's left?
practically, 1,5 of a level. although these are castles, so they do take more time to make.
after that, I guess some final testing and cleaning up before sending the game to review.
I don't know, maybe four days? maybe even three? as I said earlier, my goal is the end of
January, but a reeal bummer would need to happen to delay this update to that date.
what comes after?
after I publish the game, I want to upload two videos on Youtube -
-a longplay (or a let's play, doesn't matter) of completing the game 100%, with timestamps for different
worlds and levels. this would go up quickly.
-a trailer/preview, so I can show off the game to people in and outside the community. this can go up
anytime, maybe even not at all. I mean, a trailer would be cool, but it's not needed. who knows if I'll
actually bother to do it or not?
what will happen to this thread?
nothing, I guess. I will talk about my game in "Completed Games" thread, so it's accurate.
any upcoming projects?
I'd be confident to say "no". even this (you would think, not THAT time-consuming) game took me...
half a year? and I'm not even finished yet! let's just say, I get burnt out very fast. so unless I have
some total passion projects in mind, it's unlikely.
Thank you for your attention, ask other questions if you have any