« on: November 03, 2018, 09:50:25 PM »
Version 6.2:
Patch 2:
- Custom variables can now use names and not just numbers.
- The limit for custom variables has been removed.
- Modified the ability to do attacks against walls.
- Life out command will be run for boomerang and return projectiles if they return back to their target.
- Fixed: Life out command doesn't properly load in projectile settings.
- Note: Because of the improved variable system, you may need to start new games in the explore section and your personal gameplay data.
Patch 1:
- Commands can now use both popup messages and custom menus together. The popup message will appear first.
- Fixed: Spawning enemies stopped working.
- Fixed: Command blocks continually run custom menus.
- Added custom menus to Game Setup.
- Added a new fly type which grants unlimited double jumps.
- Added a command prompt in "Other Settings" of Game Setup to run commands at the start of every area in the game.
- Added a command to force a hard stop on characters.
- Added a command to stop the command prompt from continuing.
- Added a command to enable or disable the visual effects when flying.
- Added a command to enable or disable the audiovisual effects for invincible characters.
- Added a command to enable or disable the visual effects for windy courses.
- Added a command to enable or disable the blue overlay in underwater courses.
- Added a command to change the area name.
- Added commands to enable or disable pausing.
- Added a command to include a custom menu with the pause menu.
- Added a command for spawning projectiles.
- Added commands to specify direction of spawned projectiles.
- Added a command prompt for life out in custom projectiles.
- Added friendly fire setting in custom projectiles.
- Added a button to check for updates in the explore section.
- Improved Explore section functionality.
- Text input can now take special characters.
- [area name] can now be used to get the area names in messages.
- [world name] can now be used to get the world names is messages.
- In-game manual now uses a scroll bar instead of click-drag.
- Fixed: Custom enemies with no animation don't use the first frame as they should.
- Fixed: There are some directional issues with projectiles.
- Fixed: Enemy projectiles don't always bounce correctly.
- Fixed: Enemies spawned from spawn blocks are too far to the left.
- Fixed: Force-quitting out of an explore game does not save the game correctly.
- Fixed: "Enable ability" settings in custom items has a display problem.
- Fixed: Right clicking doesn't work for all of the items in the Game Setup main menu.
- Fixed: Command prompt responds to right-click on nearby clicks when it shouldn't.
- Fixed: Custom projectiles do not always run commands when striking surfaces.
- Fixed: Messages might display text that rolls out of the text box in games.
- Fixed: Possible error message when moving custom tiles.
- Fixed: The speical settings box for item effects in custom items does not respond correctly when you right-click on it.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2018, 08:30:41 AM by TingThing »
