« on: November 20, 2018, 06:09:22 AM »
Version 6.3:
Patch 2:
- Removed feedback button from main menu (People were using it to ask for help, but I can't respond to feedback without contact information.)
- Fixed: Error when changing overworld.
- Fixed: Error when loosing a custom item while holding a custom gun.
- Fixed: Built-in gun sound effect doesn't work.
- Fixed: Fly commands stopped working.
- Fixed: Moving platforms are affecting custom fly enemies when they shouldn't.
Patch 1:
- Fixed error message when certain commands are run from the character.
- Added "Cooldown" as a new physic for the character in commands and character custom physics settings.
- Added a bunch of new command prompts for the character.
- Added several new command prompts for custom enemies.
- Added a bunch of new conditionals for checking the state of the character.
- Added a manager for custom sound effects.
- Added a delay command to postpone other commands.
- Added seismic pound commands.
- Most land enemies now work on moving platforms.
- Custom items with gravity work on moving platforms.
- Updated heart sprite.
- Updated the NPC in the example file.
- Tab key adds five spaces in text input.
- Improved performance of large command prompts.
- Fixed: Custom jump physics don't work for jumping off ladders.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2018, 09:27:46 PM by TingThing »
