Yay! I still want some things in PB to use, and not have to program into the UPE. EG, a command to spawn the character on enemies, and vice versa. So, I'm excited about you getting back to work on PB! Also, I've remixed the PB theme song, and it sounds incredible! I just have to add that trumpet. (Musical notes) G G G E C E G Bflat Bflat A. Recognize that Ting? Here's a hint: It's in the section of the song where the trumpet echo's. And it's in the key of C. Oh, and I hope that lavaliere mic works out, I would be quite interested in where you got it from. I might get one myself. I did read online that they aren't good mics, but who knows, they might be very good! One last thing, you might wanna use my re-mix of the theme for your next trailer! (One problem though, getting a professional mic...)