Author Topic: Space Invaders Remake  (Read 5117 times)


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Re: Space Invaders Remake
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2022, 09:16:26 PM »
Welcome to the forums, ZANARD!
That's surprising news, to be honest.  :)  This message from you made me log into Steam and run PB just to see if it is so and really, my game is actually very playable yet. That made me wish to rework my project again as it may have not much to do to restore its previous form. I don't know if I am able to do this soon yet... But thanks for your suggestion for my project also!
hey Alley, nice to hear from you  :D
no problem. as for the rework.. go for it, whenever you can. there's no rush


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Re: Space Invaders Remake
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2022, 07:53:13 PM »
Hey, Gizgord!

Thank you! :) Nice to hear from you too. I take your words into count. Working on 2 more projects including my PB project or starting with a new one is still in my mind but I never seem to get on it more seriously anymore. I guess, I try to take it more easily and just do something when I will do or should I not do something then I simply won't.  :P

Right now, I consider myself an old man and community fan rather than a developer. ::)
« Last Edit: October 27, 2022, 08:12:13 PM by Alley »
Alley (T_Alj5)