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Who cares what people think. If it looks good, use it. It would look better than some of the default tiles anywayIt's not about what people will think, but if I will be able to share my game here on PB Forums. I will probably use some original sprites made by me, but I will also use some modified sprites.
Could we do steam chat? (Hopefully you read within 5min of posting...)Not now, sorry. I am at class now.
Yes! Good job! That will do nicely for PB!Yay! Thank you.
here's my advice - take your scanned drawing to a picture editing software (that supports layers), lower its opacity and crop it (character sprites are 48x48 if I'm not wrong). then draw over it on a new layer with a pixel brush, then refine.That's a good idea. Thanks.
So when you get it, we can talk through steam and I can help you. Do you have an unlocked account? (I don't.) We could do a group chat I think...I sent you a Steam friend invitation.
You can make a Mario like game with PB. I can teach you. It takes a bit of PB knowledge to know how to create workarounds.This would be great. I will probably take some time to learn how to use PB before starting a project, and having someone to help me is always a good thing.