Hi everyone!Platform Builder 8.0 Pro Beta has arrived, and you are all invited to try it out!Don't own Pro? Now's your chance to try that out, too, completely free! Anyone is welcome to try
PB 8.0 Pro Beta, as long as you have an account here with the forums.
If you create an account, make sure that you are on the secure
https version of this website. If you are having any problems, please email me at thingthing09atgmail.com (replace "at" with @)
I was thinking of doing sign ups and sending emails, but I made a last-minute decision to do things differently. I added a new board on the forums which allows you to view changes to PB 8.0 and download the Beta. This board is only visible to those who are signed into the forums. You can also post glitches/error on that board.
See you there!