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Version 5.0
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Topic: Version 5.0 (Read 1989 times)
Admin and Developer
Level 20: Nobom
Posts: 1395
Creator and Developer of Platform Builder
Version 5.0
June 11, 2018, 08:30:45 PM »
Version 5.0
Patch 2:
Fixed: Error when NPC touches slope.
Fixed: Game Screen Editor settings gives an error.
Fixed: Game Screen area settings are not saving.
Fixed: Items don't talk with the command <Item (ID)>.
Fixed: NPCs don't spawn with command.
Fixed: Up and down arrow keys don't work in publisher settings to select author name.
Fixed: Custom block destroy setting to "trigger" doesn't properly animate the spawning item.
Fixed: Extra sprite sheets link to overworld icon sprites.
Fixed: Custom blocks disappear when they are set to do nothing after being triggered.
Fixed: Bouncy Projectiles go through walls when shot right up against them.
Fixed: Projectiles pass through slopes when they are not supposed to.
Note: Work has been done to prevent bouncy bullets from freezing Platform Builder.
Note: The Publisher is back online. Please do not publish games with older versions.
Patch 1:
Fixed: Unable to access uploaded tilesets in the course editor.
Fixed: Holding shift with the smart tool stopped working.
Fixed: Timeline editor has trouble when deleting timeline events.
Fixed: Sometimes, folders in the manager do not start closed.
Fixed: Error when using a custom block to leave a custom item when it is destroyed.
A new feature has been added called the "Command," which allows you to enter commands which modify your game. Learn all about it on page 10 of the manual.
Added Timelines to Game Setup, allowing cutscenes and other special actions for your game.
Added Custom Blocks to Game Setup.
Added multiline text input for longer messages in your game.
Added invisible springs.
Added invisible checkpoints.
Added invisible light source.
Added an invisible block to "hide" items and enemies.
Added an item to reveal hidden items and enemies.
Added several invisible items which can be used with commands.
Added 3 new backgrounds to go with the house/building parts.
Added 4 new sprites for general blocks.
Added a button to download ground tiles as a template for custom tiles.
Added default image for publisher settings.
Added the ability to upload some of your own custom sprites without replacing existing ones (Pro only).
Added a color palette for custom enemies, items, and projectiles.
Added "duplicate" button for managers.
Manager items now have a max character count of 25.
Many different items and enemies can now be placed inside of crates.
Custom projectiles now have the option to bounce.
Custom physics is now an option to choose for custom items.
Character will ground pound through crates only if holding the down button.
Custom Item, Projectile, and Enemy sprites are organized into categories so that they are easier to select
Backgrounds are named, like music, so that they can be referred to in the command prompt.
Wall sliding has returned to how it worked before 4.1.3.
Defending controls have changed! Instead of down+attack, it's up+attack. This allows the character to fire a projectile when ducking.
Any existant backup files are used if a recent attempt to save failed.
Forums button in the main menu has a new look.
Fixed: Sometimes custom things in the manager gets mixed up.
Fixed: Character doesn't always appear in custom enemy test room.
Fixed: Extra Sound Effects don't properly save.
Fixed: Coins come out of blocks and chests the wrong color.
Fixed: Mouse middle button moves the view in Game Screen editor causing an error.
Fixed: Manager Selection in enemy boss music doesn't go away after you close the manager.
Fixed: Character gets stuck when doing a ground pound on a moving platform.
Fixed: Uploaded sprites sometimes carry over into the sandbox.
Fixed: There are some issues with the new y position of transformed enemies.
Platform Builder Standard now permits up to 5 custom enemies.
Platform Builder Standard now permits importing sandbox levels into games.
Note: The sprite sheet for blocks has changed. If you imported block sprites in previous versions, you will need to redo those.
Note: Please update to the 5.0 before visiting the Explore section of Platform Builder.
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Platform Builder Update Log
Version 5.0