Hello, I'm Antikore. These are new suggestions for PB
Loop command · Loop value · Random number placeholder/expression
Loop commandThis command will loop a bunch of commands fast. This maybe can be done with timelines but timelines are limited in speed. The loop command is fast as command execution
loop 5 times
<player 1>[loop value]
if health < 1
break loop
Break loop will finish the loop even if there is more to repeat.
Loop value is the number of the time it repeated. For example, at the 2nd repeating of a loop 5 times. The loop value is 2
Random number placeholer/expressionThis will generate a random value between two pre-selected ones.
#Roll the dice
game var dice_value = [random number between 1 and 6]
<player 1>[game var dice_value]
This will set the variable dice_value to a random number between 1 and 6. That means this can be randomly 1 5 2 etc. You can set between which values to select.
#Casino Machine
game var casino_numbers = [random number between 100 and 999]
if game var casino_numbers = 777
#You win code!
Thank you for reading :D