Pong Remake
Hi, there! I have created a pong in Platform Builder, just like the original.
Note: I'm still working on it, but in a few days, I will publish it as complete. That's the reason because I put it on the complete games section.
ControlsYou have to configure your own controls.
Controls for player 1:
- P1 Up: Player 1 up
- P1 Down: Player 1 down
Controls for player 2:
- P2 Up: Player 1 left
- P2 Down: Player 1 right
When the game ends, you can press the jump button to quit, if it doesn't work, hold the button until it works.
Like tennis but virtually. The first player to get 8 points wins. Due to PB limitations, there is a time limit of 20 seconds per move, if it reaches that time, the bullet will return to the middle and try again, but doesn't something awkward.
I haven't encountered any bugs yet, if you find some, tell me via PM.
Thanks to JapanYoshiTheGamer and Deleted_User_877451 for their great sound effects!
Enjoy with your friends