So we must reach the boots or kill the other player?
Kill the other player, any other item it's just fun or gives you special abilities.
looks decent, I like the graphics
Thank you very much
In the screenshot actually are mine the ice, the snail, the snow blocks, both BG and normal, the cannons, and all variants of boots. And, of course, the background. The rest of the stuff is mostly created by Shikaternia. Of course, I dedicated a few days to buffer all the levels, and I still have to change some stuff, but no blacklines will damage this game
Very nice work! Are those custom graphics? Aww man! I was expecting a Party Game. I love those kind of games. Very fun. So, it's PVP? You could make that one of the minigames. I have thought of ways to do PVP. It is possible using enemies as collision checkers. Not a bad idea!
Yes, as I said, they are custom graphics.
I also thought of adding a new game mode called Party Mode, and name this as "Battle Mode". But for that, I will need to change a lot of things in the actual code of the game, so I can't ensure anything.
Remember the law of this game: "The goal is to kill your opponent or wait until he dies by himself." xD