Hi everyone,
With the recent announcement about new graphics for Platform Builder, it seemed necessary to me to push us forward into PB 9.0. After all, the graphics update will improve the entire look of PB games which used the built-in sprites.
I ran a test with the new character sprite. I took that sprite and put it side-by-side with the old character sprite and then shared it with my friends on social media. Most of them have never seen Platform Builder before, and so they did not know which character was the old one and which was the new one. But of everyone who responded with a preference, everyone agreed that the new character sprite was better.
I have a little more work to do on my end before I am ready to demo some of the new graphics to the PB community. I'm hoping to have that ready to reveal a week from now in the "Coming Soon" page of Platform Builder. Until then, I have a different feature in the coming soon page which I will send out shortly. (This is not the "user interaction" thing that I had in mind; that will come later.)