What proof do you have? It's a lie that Heaven and Hell are here on earth. Earth is like a holding cell for those damned to Hell. For me, as a Christian, it's my job to warn as many people as possible about Hell and how to escape from it. If nobody wants to hear me, that's up to them. It's simply my job to get the good news out that Jesus Christ made a way for us to escape Hell.
Compared to Hell, this place is very nice. Hell is quite different. It's the place that's far worse than your worst nightmare, and far worse than your worst imagination. We're talking about a place of constant extreme torture with no end. You don't have to be there for eternity! It's our sin, lying, stealing, adultery, blasphemy, things like that that end us in Hell. Jesus, when He died on the cross, when He said, "It is finsihed," He was saying, "The debt has been paid." We can never pay for sin in Hell. We're imperfect. But Jesus was perfect. His perfect blood can wash away our sin, and make us pure. While there's still an imperfect part of us, we're given new desires when we become Christians. We don't want to do what's wrong, and we don't take pleasure in doing what is wrong. Instead, guilt comes upon us, unlike before many of those activities didn't phase us. This doesn't apply to everything, but for some things it does. I'd feel that my conscience is violated if I played gams like "Demon Hearts." It is for this reason I do not wish to play it.