Author Topic: Level Mayhem!  (Read 42655 times)


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Re: Level Mayhem!
« Reply #165 on: May 04, 2020, 06:46:01 PM »
If you buy a character and then you buy the sword, the melee sprite is the default character one.
Probably fixed by adding the melee and ranged sprite when changing the sprite.
Code: [Select]
designer = 2
melee sprite = 2
ranged sprite = 2
Sorry because my English is not very good because I'm Spanish ;) :P


  • Christian, 3D artist, former Platform Builder gamdev
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Re: Level Mayhem!
« Reply #166 on: May 04, 2020, 09:12:03 PM »
Yeah, when 8.0 comes out.


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LM - Video Updates
« Reply #167 on: July 10, 2020, 10:19:21 PM »
Hey, it's been a while.
To keep it brief - I'm not very happy with the state my game is in. It doesn't feel complete, it's still lacking. Therefore, I should finally stop teasing empty-handed and show you what's happening. This is my idea on how to do it.

It's a YouTube playlist.

These videos don't take much time to upload at all, so I can show off more things at a faster rate. Plus, it will help keeping this thread clean, as I want to post mostly more important, significant news.
If you'd like to see some of that, just bookmark this playlist (linked below) and check on it every once in a while.


  • Christian, 3D artist, former Platform Builder gamdev
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Re: Level Mayhem!
« Reply #168 on: July 11, 2020, 03:55:59 AM »
Sounds great!


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Level Mayhem, Same Story
« Reply #169 on: February 19, 2022, 04:55:48 AM »
progress on Level Mayhem is going painfully slow. this isn't news to anybody, right? I had an excuse; much like everyone else, I was waiting for PB10.

welp, it's here. beta released. so enough slacking around. I should put that newly found energy to good use and get some serious work done.

I set myself realistic expectations this time - I cut features I deemed unnecessary, decided to shorten The Final Challenge (it didn't need to be this grand to begin with) and make the world feel more.. lived in, you know?



check this out. the overworld map has been updated. every section now has plenty of unlockable paths which unlock new shortcuts. finding new pathways and skipping levels, that was the missing piece. there was only a tiny bit of it in older versions. now that it's here, the overworld is much nicer to traverse and hang out in.

I'm a long way from the finish line, but I will remain stubborn. I want to be done with this game already! cheers and see you soon  ;D


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LM 1.4 and missions!
« Reply #170 on: February 20, 2022, 07:21:14 PM »
The World of Level Mayhem used to be kinda empty. That's why I decided to populate these levels with some NPCs. When you talk to them, there's a chance they are going to give you a mission.

Completing those missions will reward you with The Final Challenge tokens, which are required to reach the... well, you know.
Four missions are planned and three are already figured out, but not written yet.  8)


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Level Mayhem enters pre1.4
« Reply #171 on: June 23, 2022, 12:23:01 AM »
hello, builders!

quick heads up, Level Mayhem pre1.4 is available on the Explore section. it features nearly every level improved and optimised for new Platform Builder versions.

please, if you notice something weird/wrong on your playthroughs, share it here.
you'll help me out if you do.

unfortunately, the upcoming version (1.4) will not yet feature TFC, which I hyped up a lot. I'm way behind that.

not to worry though, because 1.4 brings many new, exciting features. some of them I already shared on this page and on our Discord server. it's a big jump for Level Mayhem!

once ready, I'll attempt to release a stand-alone version alongside the Explore release (hopefully there won't be any hiccups! *knocks on wood*  ;D)

see you later and keep on building  8)


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Level Mayhem sees another pre-release
« Reply #172 on: November 09, 2022, 01:01:03 AM »
Hey everyone, Level Mayhem is entering an another pre-release update: pre1.4(2). You can play it right now on Explore!  8) 8)
There is a lot of differences between this version and the first pre1.4, so I'm gonna keep it brief.

What's included:
  • new level lay-outs are nearly finalised
  • new custom pause menu and improved camera settings
  • abilities are now unlocked with Tokens and can be toggled
  • all bosses have received a major rework
  • addressed bugs

What's missing:
  • most Token tips (are missing)
  • remaining purchasable designs
  • the village is not yet finished
  • NPC characters and interactions (too little)
  • the 'secret' mission


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Level Mayhem 1.4
« Reply #173 on: January 30, 2023, 11:23:01 PM »
Hey everyone, just want to remind everyone that Level Mayhem 1.4 is done and ready to play!

This version doesn't include the 'secret' content, sorry to disappoint you. I might come back to it at a later day.
That being said: Have fun!


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Level Mayhem 1.4 .exe build
« Reply #174 on: January 31, 2023, 10:44:55 PM »
If you don't own Platform Builder and wish to play the game, check this Google Drive link to download the .exe export!
Unfortunately, it's missing a few assets compared to the Explore release. Besides that, they play the same.


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Level Mayhem - new patch!
« Reply #175 on: June 18, 2023, 12:30:46 AM »

Surprise! The latest patch is now live.
Aside from the brand new Accessibility settings, I addressed some sloppy command work and dealt with fatal errors.