Author Topic: The Adventures of Super Mike 1  (Read 47007 times)


  • Christian, 3D artist, former Platform Builder gamdev
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The Adventures of Super Mike 1
« on: February 18, 2018, 12:39:12 AM »
OFFICIAL WEBSITE LINKClick the image below!

GAME INFOThe Adventures of Super Mike is a game that is a 2D platformer, with tons of possible gameplay. The game is currently unavailable on the Platform Builder Explore. Development started in February 2018. ASM will feature 120 levels, (this includes bonus levels, and maybe extra minigames, though not yet decided.) The game uses almost 100% custom sprites. In the sense that I've designed everything except for the characters, a few ground tiles, etc. FEATURES
120 beautifully designed levels (Currently 3 complete, I've spent most of the time developing features in ASM)
10+ power-ups (4 complete)
Tons of enemies, (Unknown amount) HELP NEEDED! I need you're guy's imaginations to come up with brand new enemy ideas.
Tons of mechanics, and different gameplay.
One of the most amazing games you've ever played

Now, the long awaited plot, is now disclosed!!!

Meet Mike. An ordinary guy looking for adventure, and a new life. Little does he know, that he's about to be launched into an adventure bigger than he ever would have imagined.

A group of people want to move out into new, unexplored lands. They find a land of which is inhabited by evil villains. Not knowing that these dastardly villains own the land of which they want to settle in, they begin starting a new life in this land. At first, these evil enemies don't really care that they are invading their land. Until...They found out...What they possess. They possess power beyond measure. Power to defeat the enemies. The BVC's. (Bible Verse Cards.) The Bible Verse Cards have power, over anything! The enemies decide to take action. Else, their miserable existence will cease. On the very day that they dedicate their new town, the villains attack. Taking away the BVC's. And taking them high into the air, and scattering them. Mike, is one of them. A skeptic of sorts. He doesn't believe what the townspeople believe. Though he doesn't care for the BVC's, he decides to take action against the dastardly villains. Running across a special cap, with special powers, he attempts to stop them. Then, seeing that he is a huge problem for them, blast him off to a far, far away forest. While there, he meets new friends, and some old ones, and tries to figure out what is so special about the BVC's. While learning along the way, that they do have power. Little does Mike know, that there will be lots of future adventures of which he isn't sure he will be able to face on his own. Facing dangerous mountains, going across hot deserts, through a remote island,
an electrified city, and even...Outer Space.
Release Date
Demo #1 was released in mid October of 2018. The game was later rendered unplayable. Due to advancement in development, and not knowing that the game was unplayable, Demo#1 was taken off of Platform Builder Explore.

Demo #2's release date is uncertain. Since this is more like a full game than a demo, it will take many months. It's estimated October of 2019. If not sooner, or later. While still unconfirmed, ASM is a game that is hoped to be the best PB game available.

The Adventures of Super Mike (ASM) is developed by CGM_games (CGM is short for Christian Game Maker, that'd be me) and the well known TingThing Productions.

Credits for the game,

Developed by CGM_games and TingThing Productions

Lead programmer: TingThing and CGM (Christian Game Maker)

Concept Art: CGM (Christian Game Maker)

Spriters: CGM (Christian Game Maker)

Platform Builder support: TingThing

Debuggers: TingThing CGM (Christian Game Maker)

Support: Alley, (Team Alju5) Antikore Games, Gizgord, LyndsWins, McPopato, setapdede.

Music Composed by, CGM_games (Christian Game Maker)

A big thanks to everyone who has participated in ASM!

Hi everyone! Welcome to the Adventures of Super Mike or ASM Forum page! Below are the updates and fun facts for it. It's a huge game!
TRAILER #1 NOW OUT! AFTER 8 MONTHS OF DEVELOPMENT!Not a valid vimeo URL February 6th, 2018, 4:18 pm #1Hey everyone! The Adventures of Super Mike is a game I'm working on. It is A Mario-like game with Mario like powerups. The following is the main features...

    120 levels (Including bonus levels/castles)
    Four playable characters: Mike, Matthew, Annie, Mary. (And unlockables. These are the main four, and each have their own unique abilities)
    20 Bosses
    10 worlds
    Approx 10 items

The following are things platform builder does not support in v 4.0

    Capture ability

Now for the details. The plot is not going to be in demo 1. "Why?" you ask? Because the plot won't make much sense with the demo is laid out.  Hopefully the game will be ready for download in late June... The main powerups are the Super candy, The boomerang gun, And the Super Boomerang. With more! A bouncy rocket that can bounce off of walls and smash bricks! There are many many, more. The functions of the Super candy (Which is green by the way) can give you 2 HP's. It can also allow you to bash blocks. The boomerang gun Just shoots out simple boomerangs that don't do much but destroy enemies. But the Super Boomerang does more than that, it can pass through walls, Destroy multiple enemies in one shot, Collects items, activates item blocks, destroys brick blocks, and has more uses than you can think of! This game will not be open source but closed source (Meaning you can't edit this game). And as for Rideable animals and cars, a cool rocket car that can fly and have wheels pop out of nowhere when touching the ground and more! And a cool yellow buggy car which goes really fast. Abilities not 100% decided. And last, but not least, a cute little puppy named, Max. Most abilities have already been programed and created. (Find a comment down below which says more about him! It's only a fairly short scroll down!)
I plan for this game to be one of the first full 2d platform games made with platform builder. Periodically I will release screenshots of the game and it being edited. To Seggaw, Alley, Ting Thing (The developer of Platform Builder), TheEpicz1, willorr27, Antikore, Setapdede, zdrmonster12 and all other friends I have through the PB forums and beyond, this is The Christian Game Maker signing out!!! 6/1/2018 HEAVILY EDITED FROM LAST MODIFICATION.
This post was written on tapatalk, If you want to view the comments click on this

March 18 2018: The latest news
Hi everyone! The game is still in heavy development, except this week I have been waiting for the next update. So the game has many world maps! 10 are planned. We have the Green forest, Dry, Dry Desert, Cold, Cold mountain, the forgotten isle, and more! I wrote that by memory so in the official game I might change it to these names. We have the moon too, and many other things. I have made it into Super Mario Odyssey like kingdom wise. The story is still going to be kept secret. World 1 is 40-50 percent done, and many levels have the ground layout but not all story elements are in yet, or enemies and objects.
That's it for now. Custom stuff will be in too!
You can also follow and contribute on my website too! Please, members, comment on this post on the website! Sorry, but membership is not possible there.


I know I said I would post images weeks ago, but never did it.  :o Why? I got busy and forgot and was too lazy to do it. These pictures were taken with bandicam last night on march 20th of 2018

Update 4/14/2018
A few world maps have been made for a very, very long time. Now to show them off! Well... at least part's of them. Only a few are near finished. The following are the worlds in order

  • Green Forest
  • Dry, Dry Desert
  • Icy, Icy Mountains
  • Giant Land
  • Forgotten Isle
  • High, High Mountains
  • Volcano World
  • Cloud Land
  • On the Moon!
  • Special World
All these are part of the story except for special world. It has 20 bonus unlockable stages. A demo is expected to be ready in exe format sometime soon. It will feature world 1 and a bonus stage.

I know all of you have been waiting for a demo to see what this game is like. You really haven't seen my game making skills that well. I have not been working on this game for a long time. Because I was waiting for PB 5.0. So why read this? Because I now have a logo all set for the demo! It will be the exe's photo.

UPDATE 6/1/2018:
Hey! A huge update. The game is not dead! For awhile I quit working on it because of lack of features in Platform Builder. When 5.0 kicked in, it opened up a whole new world for me! Some stuff was either deleted or re-edited. I had fun until I reached another dead end. I got really busy and quit making it. I spent most PC time on either surfing the internet, or experimenting with things. Platform Builder would be open sometimes, but I wasn't very interested. But I also spent a huge amount of time working on game-design. I recently learned how to make acceptable sprites. They aren't super good in my opinion, but they look okay. There's an enemy that looks like a goomba other than the teeth, it looks very similar. It's called a gloomba. (Let me know if I need to re-name it. Because it may have already been used by Nintendo or some other company). Also introducing turtles to Platform Builder! Their my own work which I designed myself. They were modified from their original size so they don't look as good. Their's many more features in The Adventures of Super Mike!!! ^-^
UPDATE 6/8/2018
I'm not dead on this project if that's what you think! Behind the scenes I'm doing heavy work on it. I don't know why people don't comment. Anyway. The demo exe is planned to be out shortly after 5.2 is out. And even on the explore section! The game will have a hopefully satisfying ending. The main archenemy is a bird. He doesn't have a name yet. The last level in world 1 is a ship level. Your on the ship for about 2 minutes. You go through a silver pipe and end up in the bottom of the ship. You get a modified super boomerang with unusual powers. You need this to complete the level. You go against about 300 birds and after that, the boss is shocked that you defeated his birds! He has backup bird minions that are twice the size! There are only about 100 of them. Each has 10 hp. Sounds difficult? Well It's quite easy with the super duper boomerang! I haven't quite worked out how it all ends. But there's your update!

Guess what? The first update video is out!
Now you can see level 4 world 1 of the adventures of super mike! Here's the first update video!
« Last Edit: July 12, 2019, 02:36:20 AM by Christian Game Maker »


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Re: The Adventures of Super Mike 1
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2018, 12:46:11 AM »
Woah, talk about rideable animals. We've got Yoshi over here!  :))


  • Christian, 3D artist, former Platform Builder gamdev
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Re: The Adventures of Super Mike 1
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2018, 01:02:21 AM »
Yup! I have a yoshi cursor instead of a normal arrow, if you want to have one too go to By the way, yoshi is my #1 favorite video game character! even more than mario.


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Re: The Adventures of Super Mike 1
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2018, 05:39:32 PM »
I'll pass...  :D
Are levels gonna be one screen long/short (as in the picture), or you plan on doing more open areas like in Mario 64?  :-\


  • Christian, 3D artist, former Platform Builder gamdev
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Re: The Adventures of Super Mike 1
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2018, 11:04:47 PM »
The Levels will be full complete levels with several areas. And yes it will be like super Mario 64, but not the same layout. If you have played any of the new super Mario bros games or super Mario world, it's like those, only it will have more features that other games have that those games never got. By the way the first three levels are pretty much done, I only have to wait for bug fixes to be fixed and add a few more areas to level 3. And no, they will not be one screen levels, But rather Mario bros like levels. The screenshot was just to show how the first areas part looks like. It has way more beyond that, with a burning library that is part of the story. And I haven't decided yet to remove the rideable animals and vehicles, and capture ability, because recently I've been thinking that I would do that in the sequel of super mikes adventures.


  • Christian, 3D artist, former Platform Builder gamdev
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Re: The Adventures of Super Mike 1
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2018, 08:26:43 PM »
I'll Have more info on the game soon, It isn't that professional yet, But I'll have lots of screenshots soon. The game will have custom sprites and music and everything. And once I release It, please tell me what you think in the comments. The game will be released hopefully before June, of course I can't guarantee it of course. I'm open to ideas for it f ya got any!


  • Christian, 3D artist, former Platform Builder gamdev
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Re: The Adventures of Super Mike 1
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2018, 09:11:08 PM »
Hey! Guess what? I said the game would be out by June. That was supposed to be the full game. I'm still working on World one. The full game probably won't be out till 2019. I plan t have a trailer for the demo soon. I've also got some cool news to share! A bunch of sprites are custom. The main character (Mike) is the default Platform Builder design. Collecting the Super Boomerang Gun changes the shirt teal blue. And it also looks like he's throwing a boomerang! The boomerang mysteriously becomes big immediately once
thrown. And guess what! That's not all! My car buggy is also going to be featured as a vehicle that can rev up to full speed with lots of cool features! So is the rocket car and another sprite. Do you want to know what that other sprite is? I have decided that in the demo, limited ability vehicles and animals will be in it. I already told you about the cars, but now I've made my own sprite sheet for a puppy! His name is Max. Max has jump, move, stand propel attacks! His front paws are the weapon. He does a little leap and his paws pounce! You can ride him, and even race him! He's pretty fun to play with. He's also meant to replace Yoshi. Comment if you want more information! I plan to record the trailer today! And it will be in the PB Explore community!


  • Christian, 3D artist, former Platform Builder gamdev
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Re: The Adventures of Super Mike 1
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2018, 04:22:50 PM »
Okay. 5.2 is out with a patch. I still need a few more features to complete it. And some bugs out of the way. I've experimented with the capture ability. I made a character with a throwable hat like cappy. It will not be in the demo. I have confirmed that. I'm working on level secrets right now, and am improving power-ups and even adding some new gameplay variety. Each level is fairly medium sized. I try to make long levels. But not too long. Hopefully, they won't be too difficult. I've made many custom sprites. If your thinking of regular PB sprites, like the gruppy, sparr, and such, then be prepared for tons of sprite editing! Mike looks like the default PB character look. If my button/menu creator get's accepted, then I'll make some menus for selecting things to use.


  • Christian, 3D artist, former Platform Builder gamdev
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Re: The Adventures of Super Mike 1
« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2018, 05:42:58 PM »
Development update: Game has been pushed for January 2019 or sooner.


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Re: The Adventures of Super Mike 1
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2018, 10:32:21 PM »
looks okay. although the level is still largely unfinished, so I can say much...


  • Christian, 3D artist, former Platform Builder gamdev
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Re: The Adventures of Super Mike 1
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2018, 11:40:12 PM »
The level in the update video? (Spoiler)

Update video #2 coming soon! Maybe even today, (7/30/2018) or tomorrow.


  • Christian, 3D artist, former Platform Builder gamdev
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Re: The Adventures of Super Mike 1
« Reply #11 on: August 03, 2018, 08:11:24 PM »
Update video goin' good!:

I'm getting the next update video ready. I recently decided to change almost every sprite in the game from PB original, to my own stuff. Stuff completed is below...

1. Arrows are changed to colorful green starred arrows which look much different and better than PB regular...

2. Doors have the same sprites, but are modified by being brightened, and sharpened with

3. Gates are modified by giving opening and closing animations motion blurs along wit being brightened and sharpened and hues changed.

4. Pipes are a work in progress.

5. Warps are changed to wide arrows

6. Springs are changed being brought back from Stickmans Bad Luck game! Along with new unique colors.

7. Modifying the obstacles sheet with new sprites, but keeping most.

8. My sprites shown in my update videos are modified to give them a NSMB game feel with the bricks. (Basically improving my sprites)

And the plot is finished! Ting Thing checked it out, and likes it! Plot will be released in the demo. And on here as a teaser. Let's just say, I borrowed some aspects from Mario Galaxy games. I hope this game becomes known as the first large game made with PB, and first Christ Centered Mario Like game made like Mario.

New story element borrowed from Super Mario Galaxy 2 where you save Max the dog from a fairly easy boss and rescue him.

Music Update:
In demo 1 I plan to use standard Sound Effects and Music from PB because I haven't focused much on sound, as I have game design.


I hope that you will be pleased with Demo 1 when It hits PB explore and PC on game hosting websites. Stay tuned for more updates by clicking on the Follow button for notifications right to your e-mail!


  • Christian, 3D artist, former Platform Builder gamdev
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Re: The Adventures of Super Mike 1 Update
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2018, 10:32:23 PM »

New power-ups are being created which nobody has ever seen! Well, it's really just different sprites. I've now successfully created sprites where Mike is riding Max. By using frames from character animations, I was able to take a frame from the running animation, modify it, and put it on Max. Now I've got yoshi in the game! Only, it's not yoshi because it is copyrighted. Anyway, this new power-up can only be acquired with Max. It's really just the melee attack with Mike and Max spinning really fast in the air. Maybe too fast, and it does look a little choppy. I've improved many sprites you have seen in the past, both of my own, and original  sprites. The background in the first update video looked really bad. I didn't like the cheap look it gave. So I spent a lot of time today really improving it so that it looks nice. It's bluish (like I wanted in the first place,) with colorful looking scenery. Also, a new update video is out! It's a little outdated, because during editing, I changed a bunch of sprites as mentioned in another update. I've also decided to use comments for updates from now on. It was getting a little confusing doing it the other way. I plan to get the game out ASAP! Let's see if I can get it done by November or so...


  • Christian, 3D artist, former Platform Builder gamdev
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Re: The Adventures of Super Mike 1 (Update!)
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2018, 11:46:06 AM »
When I first started developing this game, I thought it would be done really quickly. Well, that's not what happened. I started drawing with and didn't know much about it. I spent many hours drawing poor sprites because I didn't know of many tricks that can be done. I've used this artwork this whole time. It is now being replaced with better looking sprites. It was my boomerang sprites I first worked on. Now, I have diminished it to enemy projectiles. So, now I've done lots of work on game design. I hope to release an update video shortly after 5.4 is released. I cannot promise I will have the update out then. I've gotten the feeling that my game won't be something special with the feedback I've gotten from Gizgord. I plan to make the game unusually great. I've played many explore games and enjoy them all very well. But they all are using the same sprites, same music, same backgrounds. Not to say that my demo will be excellent with everything changed. I will keep most original PB backgrounds and make/replace with my own. I also plan to put true yoshi in ASM! Not to mean nintendo yoshi. I mean Max will act like yoshi does in yoshi titles. Instead of another Mario-world nock-off, I will take yoshi to the next level and make it so that he can destroy enemies, and turn them into ammo. The projectiles will gravitate toward enemies. You see, most enemies in ASM are not made of hard material. So, max can destroy enemies and turn them into slime. Now remember, this part about Max is not yet programmed into ASM yet... But I plan to try to add that ASAP! (As soon as possible is what ASAP means.)


  • Christian, 3D artist, former Platform Builder gamdev
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Re: The Adventures of Super Mike 1 UPDATE
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2018, 07:19:12 PM »
UPDATE!: The Adventures of Super Mike is really getting work done! Many components have been created, and are working. I have quite a few surprises in store! Many things that PB wasn't tested for are in it! So once the games demo is out, you'll have something special to look forward to. Effects from 6.0 are still being worked on. Some new enemies are being created, and many new items are being worked on. 6.0 really has offered a lot to work with, and to update with. So ASM is closer to getting demo 1 out sooner then I thought! Many of my suggestions were programmed int 6.0. So the game is really making headway! Mostly small suggestions. Some necessary suggestions need to be added. Pretty much just command prompt running when you louse an item. If I can get that in there, I would be a lot more comfortable with releasing it. The final boss in world 1 is pretty much finished, with an annoying boss in level 6. I had said that Max would only be raced, not ridden. I was even considering him not showing up at all in demo 1. But, I found out how to create a complete sprite sheet where it appears Mike is riding Max. A new "Invisibility" item is under development. It turns your character transparent, and makes you immune to any attacks. Enemies don't see you either. The full game won't be released till probably sometime around June next year. It was the date for this year, but it didn't work out. Hopefully I won't have to move the date a third time. To be clear, demo 1 is supposed to be released on or before January 2019. Hopefully before, if not, then so be it. A new update video is supposed to be released on vimeo in a few weeks. Also, a new p-switch is under development. None of the levels are considered "complete" because I keep adding new mechanics all the time, and change levels up. Levels 7, and 8 still are needing attention to get the level layout worked out. Level 4 (shown in vimeo video) is almost complete. And it's changed a bunch since the update video. The games promotional trailer I realized recently is very important. Because if I want the game to have more players playing it then you guys on release, I'll have to show something about it. That's all for now!